Friday, February 8, 2008


Yesterday was another hectic day. After dropping the boys off at Natalie's hosue, I took my vehicle in to get that brake light fixed at the nearby Goodyear. That was my first mistake! I had a few things to get done: brake light, oil change, new windshield wipers, check tire pressure. The guy checking me in suggested the 45,000 mile check up. The thought of running the vehicle to the dealer in the neighboring town anytime soon did not appeal to me so I agreed. 45,000 mile check up, the vehicle would be ready by lunchtime and they'd call if they had any other problems.

They had a shuttle van that would take me to work. One of the main reasons I went to the Goodyear. They took me to work and I received a call around 11 a.m. that there were a few issues that they found. There was a seal leaking on the axel and something er other about the rear differential. They said I could drive on it but it would just get worse over time. Again the idea of running the vehicle around to get it fixed elsewhere did not excite me so I agreed. Another mistake. They said it would be ready around 3 or 4 p.m. They lied.

I called at 4:45 p.m. to make sure the vehicle was ready and let them know I'd be there shortly. The vehicle was NOT ready. It would be another hour to hour and a half. WHAT???? They had the wrong part and would have to go to the dealer to get the correct part. They never called to tell me anything about this. "Just put the vehicle back together. I need it at 5 p.m. and I have to pick up my kids."

"It will take about an hour to get the car back together, ma'am."


Well, after having a brief irritated but rather calm conversation with "Ron the Serviceman" we negotiated that he would be taking the car seats out of my vehicle and install them in their shuttle van. Then they would take me to pick up my boys then drop us off at home. My co-worker was nice enough to drop me off back at the lovely Goodyear and the carseats were already installed in their happy shuttle van. The part had arrived and it would only be about an hour. They were to call me then swing by and deliver my new and improved vehicle to me at my home.

The best part of the day was seeing how thrilled Benjamin was to ride in that Goodyear shuttle van. He was beaming from ear to ear. And Samuel was pretty content too just looking around taking it all in.

We arrived at home shortly after 6 p.m. Not that different than a normal work day evening. We ate dinner. Still no phone call from "Ron the Serviceman." So, I called the local Goodyear and aske for "Ron."

"Sorry, ma'am, Ron is gone for the day."


"Oh, Hi Mrs. Chapman. They just finished up the work on your vehicle. They are taking it for a test drive right now and will be bringing it by shortly."

7:20 p.m. Vehicle Arrives safely in my driveway. Dogs barking, somewhat chaotic, but keys in hand, wa la. They had my car for approximately 12 hours.


I just spoke to Marty Keller the "Managing Partner" of the local Goodyears. I relayed the entire saga to him. He seemed pretty informed of most of the story. He said he understood that they dropped the ball yesterday on the timing. He also said something that rather infuriates me even now as I sit and stew over the whole episode. He said "It happens all the time."


Needless to say, I will NOT be a repeat customer of the local Goodyear. Courtesy shuttle van or no shuttle van. I will NOT return. Sorry Benjamin and Samuel, you have had your last ride int he shuttle van.

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