Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sunday Shanagans

A lil flashback to Sunday...

We got up and got ready for Sunday school and church and actually made it there with time to spare (a rarity these days). After church we had lunch and the boys both went down for a three hour nap (also a rarity).

I was so relieved that it was a good nap day because we had a busy weekend. And Sunday evening we were off to Brooke's 3rd Birthday party at Sports Bounce. Benjamin had a blast! Not only was Brookie there but his buddy Jack was too! The boys sure used up a ton of energy and on the way home Benjamin sorted through his goodie bag from the party and said "This is cool, Mommy. This is really nice." He was so excited about everything. That boy loves a party!

It was after 7 p.m. by the time we got home and time for our bedtime routine. The boys had baths and I let Samuel play around without his diaper for a little while after bathtime because he has been battling a wicked case of diaper rash. Well, I thought I was keeping a close eye on him until it came time to get Benjamin out of the tub. So, while I turned my back for a minute to get Benjamin out of the tub wouldn't you know it... Samuel decided to drop a load on the bathroom floor. ahhhh. It was not pretty. I scooped him up and applied diaper rash cream and diapered him up. Then preceeded to clean up the mess.

It was one of those nights that I was glad the boys were both in bed and I could relax a bit. So, I sat in front of the t.v. for a bit until I heard Benjamin rustling around upstairs and declaring that the had to go potty. So, I went upstairs to find the bathroom door locked. "Benjamin, unlock the door." Amazingly, he listened and unlocked the bathroom door. He took care of his business then we headed to his bedroom. As I turned the door handle on his bedroom door I realized that this door too was locked. He was locked out of his bedroom. It was about 9:15 p.m. Well after his bedtime (especially on a school night). We have never had this issue with locked doors. hmm. I tried to fit a standard flathead screwdriver in the lil hole in the knob. Didn't work. I asked Benjamin to go lay in Mommy's bed for a little while. He proclaimed "It was an accident, Mommy." How do you accidentally lock a door to a room that you're not even in? hmm. Well, I decided to call my brother, Ron. Surely, with three kids they have encountered this issue from time to time. And sure enough. He guided me on what kind of screwdriver I needed and how exactly to turn it to get it open. I was a lil frustrated by this time and I'm sure he heard me tell Benjamin to go back to Mommy's bed a time or two while we were on the phone. Wala. Before we knew it the door was open and I was hanging up the phone and tucking my sweet boy back in bed with instructions that only grown-up are allowed to lock doors.

Somehow I survived Sunday and someday I will probably get a good laugh out of it. But for now it's too fresh in my memory. So you laugh (I'm sure my brother Ron is) and I will just look forward to the day that I too can laugh about it.

On another note, Don called Sunday while the boys were napping. It was good to talk to him. He is over 50 percent done with his deployment now! Woo hoo. A small victory. We are all looking forward to October when he will arrive at home again. And he can clean up poop and unlock locked doors, etc. I can only imagine how fun life will be. Don't get me wrong life is definitely full of laughs and good times with the boys. They truly bring so much joy to my every day and I would not change places with Don for a day. But it will be wonderful to share life's daily challenges with the other parent again.

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