Everything went pretty smooth. It was a Curious George Party! I made the cake Friday night. Benjamin helped bake it then I decorated it after the boys were fast asleep.
Both boys took naps before the party(phew!). And our wonderful neighbor, Katie, came over early and helped me decorate and get a few last minute things done. I made a cheese ball and ordered pizza. The pizza arrived a lil earlier than I planned so we had lots of left over cheese ball (which I have been snacking on ever since).

Benjamin and Samuel had a blast playing with their buddies: Jack, Brooke, Reed and Nicholas. And I enjoyed the adult company too. Dave took lots of pictures for us and Dennis took video so I will have lots to send to Daddy-O. And, of course, Flatdaddy made a special appearance (complete with party hat!).

I have lots lots more pictures from the weekend so I hope to post a slide show in the near future. Just wanted to catch up a bit since I haven't made a post since last week.

HI Sue, Great pictures, we get to see the natural Samuel. Love the cake, you did a great job. Happy Birthday Samuel. Love you all MOM
You decorated that cake yourself?? Wow!!! Looked like a fun party! :)
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