Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"Get Out of Jail Free" Card

What a day it was! This morning I had to drop our dog Campbell off at the vet after I took the boys over to Natalie's house then I was off to work. Campbell was scheduled to get his teeth cleaned and a tooth extracted. I intentionally scheduled this appointment for a day that I had to work so I wouldn't have to worry about the dynamics of having children in tow. Surprisingly enough I made it to work a few minutes earlier than a typical day.

My day seemed to go fine actually. I had a productive day at work, called and checked on Campbell mid-day and all was good (he was just coming out of the procedure, which they knock the dogs out for). I ended up leaving work a few minutes early. I had to pick up some milk for the boys so I stopped at the grocery store next to the vet (how convenient!) then got Campbell. He was very happy I was there but he looked pretty groggy and rather pathetic. So, I headed for home so he could rest while I picked up the boys. Enroute I saw flashing lights in my rear mirror. ugh oh. I haven't been pulled over in years. Probably since right after college. Around 1995, I'd guess. So, this was rather surprising to me. Plus the fact that I was driving rather cautiously with Campbell in the car (and definetly within the speed limit). So, I pulled into our subdivision and put the car in park. As I rolled down my window I fumbled for my driver's license. The officer asked "Are you aware that you have a rear breaklight out?" "No, I had no idea." was my response. "It's the one on your passenger side," he told me. "I have an Illinois driver's liscense because I'm a military dependent." I told him. "Do you need to see my military I.D. too?" "No, ma'am just your registration. Is the car in your name?"

(Okay, let me break here and say that it is NOT often that I pull out the "Poor me, my husband is deployed to Iraq" card but I took the liberty to on this rare occassion.)

"No, the car is in my husband's name. He's in Iraq. And I know he e-mailed me the insurance card recently."

"I only need the registration card, ma'am. That's it there. And do you have anything in your vehicle I should know about... firearms, drugs, etc."

"No, just my dog who just had surgery." (Another, weak cry, I know. Thank goodness he was groggy because Campbell probably would have been barking like crazy by now under nomal circumstances).

So, he took my license and registration and told me he'd be right back. I called Natalie to let her know I was pulled over and running pretty late.

Mr. Officer returned to my car pretty quickly. He said "Can I ask why your vehicle is registered in Virginia? Was it purchased in Virginia?"

"My husband takes care of all that. Yes, it was purchased here."

He was really friendly. I think he was just thinking about the vehicle taxes here and the fact that most states don't have all that extra bolony. So, he reminded me which side the light was out on and let me go. PHEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I guess my "Get out of Jail Free" card worked this time around.

I ran Campbell home then picked the boys up from Natalie's. We got home a lil later than usual but not too bad. We had dinner and then it was bedtime. The boys were pretty entertaining tonight. Samuel thinks he's a big kid and really wants to wrestle with his brother. It's pretty cute until it gets out of hand. I just want to know how boys seem to know instictively at such young ages to wrestle and rough house. I can only imagine what a household with lil girls in it is like. Probably a little quieter and hopefully less physical!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Benjamen is such a stitch!!! Love this little video...wow...pink is your fav color now ?!?! :)