Sunday, January 6, 2008

Baby O Arrived and Our Not So Exciting Adventures

Yesterday was a very exciting day. (Not for us directly but I'll ramble about that in the rest of the blog entry). It was a great day for my dear friend Michelle and her family! They welcomed Eli Patrick into their family. He was born at 2:50 p.m. (and I waited all day for that phone call!) He weighed 9lbs 13 oz. and was 22 inches long (a whopper even by Michelle's boys' standards!). He's a beautiful boy and we're so happy for them. Congratulations Michelle, Eric and big brothers!

As hinted above, it was another uneventful day of housebound sickies. Samuel is still not up to par and I was feeling under the weather this morning too. I haven't even left the house to pick up the newspaper out front!

Benjamin is back to his normal energetic self which is great but exhausting in some ways! He took about a four hour nap today (after waking at 5:45 a.m.) so that was nice. Samuel and I had a lot of fun playing while his big brother napped. Unfortunately, I feel like Samuel sometimes misses out on so much of the one on one time that Benjamin and I / Don had at that age. Such is life of the second child (never mind the deployed Daddy!).

We did venture out to Target yesterday morning. It was nice to get out of the house and get a couple things done. We ran into our friend, Nelly and her daughter, Brooke there and Benjamin thought that was pretty neat. The only major mishap while we were there was that Samuel tossed a bottle out of the cart which poured about 4 ounces of milk in an aisle. ("The Chapmans are here. Clean up on Aisle C36!"). I let an employee know and they cleaned it up before too much damage was done.

I finally purchased a space heater for our lower level! I'm so excited. This is where our computer is located and I end up going to bed feeling like a Popsicle after making most blog entries. Not tonight! When I plugged the baby in it said it was 59 whopping degrees. (Yes, Popsicle weather, indeed!). So, it's set for 70 degrees and I'm already feeling toasty at 61! Sweet. (Note: No worries, I plan to turn it off and unplug it every time I'm done using it).

Yesterday afternoon after the boys and I all took naps. I decided we needed to get out of the house and take a walk. The dogs hadn't been for a walk since we got back from Illinois. And Campbell had been driving me nuts. Poor guy got all this exercise while we were gone and then we come back here and nothing. So, I called Ms. Katie and she agreed to walk with us. Then she said she was going to pick up McDonald's for dinner did we want anything. So, we placed our orders and invited her to stay for dinner when she returned. We had a nice visit with her. I'm sure she has her fill of kids by the time she leaves our crazy house! But it's nice to have some adult interaction on my end!

Anyways, the highlight of my day is that Don called today. It was so good to talk to him. Unfortunately, the boys had just gone down for their naps so they didn't get to speak to him (which totally breaks my heart). I really can't bear to tell Benjamin he missed Daddy-O's call so I do tell him that Daddy loves him and misses him, sends him big hugs, etc. I just tend to leave out the part that I spoke to him today while he was sleeping (he might never nap again if he thought he was going to miss Daddy's phone call!).

Don sounds pretty good. He's been working a lot and completing some correspondence course work he needs to finish up as well. But it sounds like he's taken the time to enjoy some DVDs and celebrate the holidays with coworkers. He's pondering what car he/we will buy when he returns and also trying to make decisions regarding his next assignment. All exciting yet somewhat major decisions happening in our lives in the not so far off future.

Don made a new years resolution to send more postcards to Benjamin and I'm sure Benjamin will be excited as they start to arrive (any day now).

Well, it's a toasty 62 degrees already. I could type all night. ha. I think I'm really going to enjoy this space heater!

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