Monday, January 21, 2008

"I want to be a BIG Cow."

With the combo of the cold weather hitting us hard this weekend as well as the boys coming down with yet another cold we didn't do too much of anything this weekend.

Friday evening after the boys went to bed I took a good look at our dog, Campbell. His eye has been tearing for a couple of weeks now and he just hasn't seemed like himself. So, I tried to picture myself with both boys taking Campbell into the vet and it was NOT a pretty picture. So, I called our friendly and helpful neighbor, Katie. She didn't have plans for Saturday so she was more than willing to come hang out with Samuel while Benjamin and I took Campbell to the vet. I called first thing Saturday morning and they had one appointment open. Phew. Well, in addition to Campbell having some sort of conjunctivitis he also has a cracked tooth. Poor guy. And, as some of you know, I am NOT an "eye person." As in, I cannot even listen to people talk about putting their contacts in, the laser surgery, or even the thought of contacts for myself is nauseating. Anyways, here I am with eye drops for Campbell. 4 times a day for 3 days! I'm doing pretty good at holding him down and actually getting them into his eye. Needless to say, I'm quite proud of myself on that accomplishment. And Campbell's eye already looks much better. He will get his teeth cleaned and taken care of at the beginning of February (dental hygiene month and a 20% discount for cleanings at our vet...I was planning on taking him regardless).

I'm posting a photo of Samuel playing tug with Campbell. The dogs received this new toy for Christmas and I'm not sure who enjoys it more: the dogs or Samuel. Samuel loves to carry it around all over the house, as do the dogs. And they all enjoy a good game of tug with it.

The trip to the vet was eventful in a lot of ways. For Benjamin anyways. It was his first trip (that he can recollect) to the vet. He was bursting with questions. The vet was great with him too! When he put drops in Campbell's eye and looked at it with a black light (yuck!) the doctor showed Benjamin how the black light made his socks glow. He thought that was pretty neat. He also gave him a coloring book. I on the other hand, was a lil overwhelmed when I got home and thought about all the questions I could/should have been asking in regards to Campbell (not in response to Benjamin).

That was pretty much the highlight of our day on Saturday and besides going to church on Sunday we did not leave the house this weekend. It was a good weekend for Benjamin and I to do puzzles, bake cupcakes and watch Disney movies. I thought we might venture out today to run some errands but Samuel was up coughing during the night and I thought we best stay in and all catch up on some rest (and stay out of the cold!)

Benjamin had me in both tears and laughter this weekend. At one point he just said out of the blue "We saw Grandma and Pappa with the boats (apparently, my mom has pretty memorable toy boats in her tub) and Grandma and Papa Chapman. But we forgot to go to Great Grandma's house." As most of you know, my Grandma Duda passed on this past spring. I hadn't really talked to him about it over Christmas or do I remember telling him much about her passing last spring. Of course, I missed visiting with her this Christmas and it was difficult for me from time to time to think of her not being with us. But with all the craziness of Christmas I really tried to not let myself go there. On Thursday, I sent a friend an e-mail that mentioned my Grandma and it was just so ironic to me that Benjamin should bring her up now. He has such a big heart. And memory too. The last time he saw Great Grandma was last Christmas. She truly enjoyed her great grand kids. Watching them grow, hearing about them and visiting with them. I missed her this Christmas and tears came to my eyes as I told Benjamin that we won't see her again until we're in heaven. A concept I don't think his mind has yet grasped.
On a lighter note, tonight we were talking about what he could be when he grows up. And he said he wants to be a "big cow". Funny, I know. Especially out of context. If you have been keeping up with my blog for awhile you may recall that Benjamin and I were cows for Halloween. He often asks about Halloween (and yes, we are still counting down the days til next Christmas Eve). He says he wants to be a cow again for Halloween. "A big cow". Well, the other day I had explained that he would have to be a grown up to be a "big cow." So, tonight when I asked him what he'd like to be when he grows up his answer was pretty straight, "a big cow". After some discussion, he decided he'd like to be a race car driver. But he doesn't want to wear the helmet or suit. I told him he can't be a race car driver with out a helmet or suit. So, he tells me that Hunter's dad drives his race car without a helmet and suit. "Honey, Hunter's Daddy drives a sports car NOT a race car." So, the conclusion we came to is that he will work and save money to have a nice BLUE sports car (everything is blue in his world. It is his favorite color as he will not hesitate to tell anyone). And for Halloween when he is a grown up he will be "a big cow", of course.

Don called on Sunday. His cold is getting better although he definitely still sounded like he had a cold. The boys both went down for naps so I was able to talk to him for a bit. I always feel bad when Don misses out on talking to the boys and they miss hearing from him but I have to admit that sometimes it is nice to give him my undivided attention. Although, with e-mail sometimes it seems as if we don't have a whole lot to say or I just think of the things I wanted to say after we hang up the phone. Those 15 minutes or so once a week just don't cut it!

Don went to a USO sponsored concert Saturday night with the band Third Day. It sounded like he enjoyed that.


Anonymous said...

Hope Campbell is feeling better! The boys look like they are having fun! As far as Benjamin wanting to be a big cow - maybe that will change soon. But if it doesn't, I'm sure he will be the best BIG COW ever.

Miss you guys tons!

Love you guys!


Heather said...

You made me laugh about the eye thing! I totally forgot about how wierd you were about eyes!! AHhhh...brings back college days. Miss you. One of these days we need to come out and visit you!!!
Love Heather and AJ