Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Roll On

This morning my alarm went off at 6 a.m. ugh. After about three weeks of not having to answer to an alarm it was hard to move a muscle. But I managed to pry myself outta bed.

Benjamin woke up shortly after that as did Samuel. By 7:30 a.m. we were off to see Ms. Natalie, Jack and Nicholas and Benjamin was excited. I stocked the boys bag full of extra clothes for Samuel and he didn't end up going through any of it. His tummy is getting somewhat better and he's eating a lil more now. At least one top tooth has popped through and it looks like one to three more will arrive soon.

On my way to work I heard a song that Don and I have often listed to as we make road trips (usually to and from Illinois). The song is "Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler)" by Alabama. It was just the pick me up I needed to start my new year back at work. So I turned it up and belted out the tunes...

"Roll On Roll on highway, roll on along
Roll on daddy till you get back home
Roll on family, roll on crew
Roll on momma like I asked you to do..."

"...As three sad faces gather 'round momma
They ask her when daddy's comin' home
Daddy drives an eighteen-wheeler
And they sure miss him when he's gone (yeah they do)
Ah, but he calls them every night and he tells them that he loves them
He taught them this song to sing
Roll on highway, roll on along
Roll on daddy till you get back home
Roll on family, roll on crew
Roll on momma like I asked you to do
And roll on eighteen-wheeler, roll on (roll on)..."

So, he's not quite a truck driver but here we are rolling on...and on...and on...

The best part of celebrating this new year is that this is our year! The year Daddy-O will be heading back our way. We can hardly wait. 9 1/2 months to go (I'm sure Don has the exact tally or as close to an estimate of arrival stateside as he can have).

Don called yesterday to talk to the boys (since he had missed talking to them the day before). Benjamin enjoyed talking to him and Samuel loves to hear his voice too. It was right after naptime so it was perfect timing. Both boys were awake.

Well, my day back at work was none too exciting. But it was a gorgeous day here in the mid-60s. Unseasonably warm, sunny, beautiful and a little windy. I enjoyed taking the dogs for a nice walk at lunch and they soaked up the attention and exercise as well.

After picking up the boys Benjamin voted on picking up McDonald's for dinner. We actually rarely eat fast food but it sounded good. So, we stopped and then headed for home. When I was about half way through my crispy chicken sandwich I turned the bun over and discovered that it was spotted in a not so appetizing shade of green. ugh. gag. ick. So, I called the McDonald's and spoke to the manager. He didn't seem too alarmed. He said "sorry" and that I could come back for another sandwich. Like that's what sounded good to me at this point (never mind the thought of dragging two kids back out for another sandwich). He said just to mention his name next time I was in and they'd replace the sandwich. "Thanks, Frank, we will not be eating McDonald's for some time after this."

After Samuel managed to stay in the same clothes all day for Natalie without incident he blew the side out of diaper for me. Now that's what I call love. Thanks, lil buddy. It was bath time anyhow so in the tub went both boys. They really enjoy bath time and I enjoy the time that I can keep track of them both in one place for that amount of time. Before I knew it we were reading books, saying prayers and giving kisses goodnight. Our night went by incredibly fast. Now I remember why I work. It was a day I definitely needed (minus the moldy bun from McDonald's).

Roll on...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the bun...I'll talk to the guys at the bakery!