Monday, January 14, 2008

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Today was a pretty uneventful day in a lot of ways but a good day overall.

Benjamin started our day at about 5:55 a.m. ugh. Any minute before 6 a.m. is too early for me. But he was already en route downstairs so I made my way down to the couch downstairs and snuggled up until Samuel woke up around 7 a.m.

Benjamin had preschool today and Samuel napped the entire time. It was a nice break! I felt like I was able to get a few things done around the house.

I finally managed to get the remaining Christmas lights down that were outside. So, now all the Christmas stuff is safely tucked away for another 11 months.

The boys both took a good nap this afternoon too so it was bonus time that I managed to even have more "me time!" ahhh. Time well spent doing laundry and sorting out mail, bills, junk mail, etc. Fun. I really don't know how people with kids work full time. Never mind the thought of being a single parent working full time. The mere thought just exhausts me. I definitely have a new level of respect for those parents.

After nap time we enjoyed some play time. Samuel really is a funny character these days. He loves his brother so much and is so excited whenever he pays any sort of attention to him. He follows him around everywhere he goes and into everything. Benjamin adores Samuel too but he's not so fond of the fact that Samuel is interested in all of his big brother's toys!

I'm including a photo that I took of Benjamin letting the dogs out the back door. Samuel is right there with his big brother helping him out.

One of Benjamin's latest words is "frustrating." As in "Mommy, you're frustrating me." or "This toy is frustrating me." It's so cute to hear him put the words together. You can really tell he is thinking hard to put the word into context and he does a pretty good job with it. Hmm. I wonder where he has picked up that word anyway? I would like to think that he picked it up from a show on t.v. but that is probably not the case. Hopefully, overall, after this deployment the boys will not be too messed up by my lack of patience and somewhat elevated stress level. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to point out that Eli was wearing the same outfit that Samuel had on in your Sunday post. The blue one with penguins that says "I'm cool", My friend Jill brought it over today. Her son Drake has outgrown it already...he's 3 months and a little porkchop 18 lbs. Sound familiar? I'm used to recognizing outfits that the boys are wearing in your pictures but not that one of my boys was wearing the same day!! All is well here, not the best day today, a little fussy for the first time and didn't sleep near as much as usual. We'll see what happens tomorrow. See ya later,