Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Clownin Around

Christmas is over. Of course, Benjamin is already asking how many days until Christmas. Right now the math is somewhat easy but sooner or later I don't think my answer is going to come so readily.

I just finished the ongoing project of taking the Christmas tree down. (Which was not a fun chore considering the ornament hanging is usually my main part of that task). Since Don was home in November the tree went up on Thanksgiving day. I didn't pay any attention as to how he assembled it but I wish I had. Hopefully, it is only 3 pieces because that's how it's packed away! It was another gorgeous day here and I managed to get the majority of the outside Christmas lights down while the boys were sleeping. Only a few strands remain on our back deck. I will get to them soon.

Overall, our day was pretty good. Samuel and I ran to Target and Wegmans (a local grocery store) while Benjamin went to preschool this morning. After preschool we stayed at the school playground for Benjamin, Jack and a couple other boys from Benjamin's class to play. It was so nice out and great to let the boys just run.

This evening we rediscovered the hat/dress up bin. We all enjoyed being silly. Benjamin was very thoughtful and noticed that we had one extra bandanna for when Daddy comes home. And an extra party hat too (You are in luck, Daddy-O! But sorry, only one clown nose, so you will have to compete for that one).

It was a pretty good day and I feel like I actually got a few things accomplished. I just feel like I have a heck of a lot more to do to still clean up from Christmas and our trip. Having a houseful of sickies really threw me for a loop. It is nice to be getting back into the groove of life again.

Hopefully you can tell by the photos I'm posting, Samuel is feeling much better. Finally, everyone is on the mend. Samuel's nap wasn't as long as I had hoped but he was good and pretty much staying out of trouble while I took the Christmas lights off the tree. I was just thankful they both slept long enough for me to get done what I did.
Time for me to finish up some laundry before I get ready to head back to work tomorrow. (Apparently, I was a lil behind on Benjamin's laundry after constantly doing Samuel's for the past week. Tonight when he put his dirty clothes in his hamper he said "Who took my clothes out." He had noticed it was full too. And really noticed the difference when it was actually empty.)


Anonymous said...

Suda you need to turn off the background music so we can hear what Benjamin is saying on the videos.....;

Sue said...

To turn off the music... scroll down to the slide show and click the "sound icon" in the left hand corner.

Sorry about that! Once the slide show is gone the music won't play any longer.