Monday, June 30, 2008

Summertime Blues

Life sure has thrown us for a few loops lately but I guess we were due.

Last week Samuel came down with horrific cold symptoms and by Thursday evening I was calling our super neighbor, Katie and asking if she'd join me as we ventured out to the Urgent Care nearby. Katie was able to keep Benjamin entertained with a Thomas the Train table they had set up in the lobby while I got Samuel checked out. He was absolutely miserable. He had a fever of 101.9 and it was obvious that it was more than just his teeth that was bothering him. He was drooling like crazy. Just pools of drool every time he opened up his mouth. He was crankier than I'd ever seen him and refused to eat anything. They ended up finding redness on his throat and did a strep test. I was glad I had taken him and we left with a prescription for an antibiotic. Slowly and a couple of sleepless nights later, Samuel was himself again.

On top of that our air conditioner went out. Luckily I was able to find someone that came out to our house almost immediately. Temperatures were in the mid to high 90s and reaching the high 80s in our house. ugh. Not fun with a sick baby that was clinging to me. On Friday our air was fixed. Phew. I really don't know how people do it without the luxury of air conditioning. I guess we're pretty spoiled.

Friday evening Benjamin had a program for Vacation Bible School (which he and his best buddy, Jack had attended all week at our church). Since the antibiotics had been running through Samuel for 24 hours at that point and he seemed to be feeling much better, I decided we'd make it. Benjamin was so cute. He just lit up when he marched into the church with the other 3 and 4 year olds and saw me there. There had been 22 kids in his age group the majority of the week; however, only about 10 showed up for the evening program. They sang the "B-I-B-L-E" song. Samuel did very well and probably stayed on my lap better than he ever would have if he would have been feeling 100 percent.

Saturday came and Benjamin started with the fever and not feeling well. By Sunday he was miserable, feverish and not eating.

Today I was supposed to work but after another couple of sleepless nights I opted to make a doctor's appointment for him instead. By the time we made it to the doctors for his 1:30 p.m. appointment he was doing much better. And he preceded to ask for some Cheeze-It crackers and a Capri-Sun. However, he does still have some nasty spots in his mouth and in his throat. Apparently, it is "Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease" season... so, 'tis the season. ugh. I pray we never have to encounter this season at our home again.

The worst seems to be over and I look forward to a well rested night in my bed... alone... without little feet pressed up against my back... arms flailing in my face at odd hours... etc.

I took a short video clip of the boys this afternoon after our trip to the doctors. It is so obvious that they're both feeling so much better! Ahhhhh. A big sigh of relief. Finally back to normal around here.

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