Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All in a Day's Work

Today was a typical weekday for us. I was up at 6 a.m., Benjamin up at 6:45 a.m., and I had to wake Samuel up around 7:15 a.m. from a deep sleep. Poor lil guy probably would have slept in until 8 a.m.

Tonight the boys took baths after dinner and I snapped a bunch of pictures and some video clips during this time frame. They love their baths and their bath towels too. I recently started calling Samuel "Captain Froggie Bear" when I put him in his towel and he seems to really love it! He usually runs around in his towel just giggling. And Benjamin's alter ego is now "Major Crocodile" which he just eats up. The two of them are really learning to play well together. Of course, they have their moments but they are both rough and tumble boys. Samuel loves to tackle Benjamin and luckily Benjamin just takes it and laughs as he's pinned beneath 33 pounds of super baby.

Now it is almost 9 p.m. and collectively, I cannot even begin to count how many times the boys have been up and out of bed since 8 p.m. Which usually indicates they had good naps while at the sitters today. I swear Benjamin lays in bed and thinks of every little tale he can concoct to exit his bedroom. So far, this evening, he has gone potty, had a drink, wanted just one more book (nuh uh), wanted different music to fall asleep to, "Mom, there's a dog in my room.", etc. Benjamin is usually so exhausted that he doesn't move a wink after he's in bed or else I get this. Hopefully, this is just a painful phase. I'm pretty sure once he gives up that nap his bedtime will be smoother. I'm just not quite ready for him to give up that nap yet and I don't think he is either.

Samuel on the other hand is still teething, although obviously feeling much better, he still has not been ready to go to bed at 8 p.m. the past few nights. He'd rather wrestle around in his brother's bed while I try to read bedtime books (and I do mean "wrestle" as in a contact sport with his big brother in the ring with him). With Samuel I can tell if he's going to go to sleep or just carry on and cry. So, as soon as I put him to bed it's an immediate indication of what's going to happen. He's never been one to cry himself to sleep. But when he's tired he just collapses into bed and I don't hear another peep. So, tonight he got back up for a large sippy cup of milk and a short round of hoops before retreating again to bed (this time successfully).

Tomorrow we will get up and do it again but this time knowing it is the end of my work week! Ah, the joys of a part-time work schedule. And come next Tuesday I'll be eager to start the routine all over again.

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