The boys were excellent on the flight out there and pretty good on the way back despite a short flight delay. By the time our plane landed back in Virginia the boys were both sound asleep. Benjamin slept for about half the flight and Samuel finally caved in about 5 minutes before the plane landed. I don't know how they both slept through the landing and most of the people getting off the plane, but they did.
Samuel actually continued to sleep in the stroller until I put him in his carseat. After a busy week in Illinois they are both pretty exhausted and totally off schedule.

We had a wonderful time which included lots of visiting, swimming, fireworks, and a trip to Brookfield Zoo. Every day Benjamin declared that he wanted to stay in Illinois and that he did not want to go back to Virginia. He was having a blast and soaking up all the attention that his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were giving him. Everyday was an adventure to him and he would wake up asking "Where are we going today, Mommy?" He was happy doing whatever came his way and fell into bed for naps and bedtime without a fight.

I enjoyed visiting with everyone as well and really enjoyed letting everyone entertain my kids! Our kids are the youngest of the cousins so the older kids really dote on them, especially since they don't see them often.
1 comment:
The picture of them sleeping on the plane is too cute!!
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