Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Smiling Samuel

I have been posting a lot of videos of Samuel lately but I just find him rather entertaining these days. He is such a character and totally Mr. Personality... always thinking of new ways to entertain himself and anyone who is willing to watch!

He just has not been himself lately though. Fussy and more clingy than usual. I kept thinking he must be teething but every time I checked his mouth I just didn't see anything new. Well, this morning when I was dropping him off at Natalie's house I checked again. Finally! I found a tooth that popped through! Up until this point he has had 6 teeth (4 top, 2 bottom). Not sure if this happened over night or if I had just missed it in past peeks but it's definitely a new addition. Oddly enough it is not right next to any of his other teeth. He has skipped a tooth on the bottom and then there is one right in the middle. Hopefully the missing teeth are soon to follow. The way his teeth are looking at this point, I'm thinking we better start saving for braces already!

Anyways, tonight at dinner he refused to eat solid food so I gave him some baby food and eventually let him dig in with his own spoon. He loves to do this but got carried away and food ended up all over him. I thought it was cute. Messy but still cute so I snapped a couple photos. Then I cleaned him up with a clean cloth and set the cloth down. He picked it up and was entertained by it for a good long while which is when I snapped additional photos and video. I did NOT place this on his head, he did this all on his own! These are the kind of photos he's going to hate when he's older but are so cute right now!

I hope these photos and video clips make you smile as much as they make me smile. That's our Samuel... out to make everyone smile!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Those curls on the back of his head are just precious! They grow SO fast...Mason is offically 5 foot 1 inch and apparently in stage 3 of 5 for puberty. So I guess there is some boy stuff going on down there. I am so not ready for that...