Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Another Monday...

Today was a good day spent at home. It had been awhile since we spent an entire day at home so we were due for one. Samuel took some good long naps and Benjamin took a good nap as well. By dinnertime I had to wake them both up!

They enjoyed playing with their toys and just being the fun busy boys that they are. I had put away all the Thomas the Train stuff for a few months and we just set it back up this weekend. So, they were thrilled. Samuel had been too young for it in the past and just frustrated Benjamin (and I) because he would just take the tracks apart constantly and throw them around the room. He still does that a bit but not to the extent that he had been. And Benjamin is getting better at figuring out how the tracks got back together. Needless to say, Benjamin has spent hours over the past few days rediscovering the Thomas the Train set.

My helper was due to come today but cancelled last minute because she wasn't feeling good. I was a little bummed and Benjamin was completely bummed. He continued to ask throughout the day when she was coming even after I told him she wasn't feeling well. I usually don't tell him she's coming because he gets so excited and I guess his bubble got burst today. But he was fine and kept busy anyways.

It rained this afternoon but had stopped by dinnertime so after dinner I called our super neighbor, Katie and asked if she'd be willing to go for a walk with the boys, dogs and I. She was in so we were off. The dogs hadn't been for a walk since Thursday and were ecstatic to be set free out of their yard! Benjamin put on his puddle jumpers and was anxious to jump in any puddles that came his way. It was a good way to get out and exert a little energy after an otherwise rather low energy day.

The evening flew by and after baths they both ended up in bed a bit later than usual but it is summertime and that tends to happen more. It's hard to put them to bed at 8 p.m. when it's still daylight out.

Last night when Benjamin was saying his bedtime prayers I asked him if there was anything special he would like to pray for and he said, "I want to pray that my teachers go to school tomorrow so I can go." It was so sweet. He really misses school and that part of his routine. We have been staying so busy that sometimes it's hard to notice how much he misses it. We talk about how he will be going to the same school next year but will have different teachers and a different classroom, etc. Hopefully, this summer will go by fast and he'll be thrilled to be back in school before we know it.

Don e-mailed today that he received his 5th anthrax shot and has been dragging a bit since. I remember how painful the one he received before he deployed seemed to be. Hopefully, he'll be back to himself by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to be young again so I can play to puddles. He looks so cute. And with the train set he is really fixated on it.

Love you & Miss you!
