Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Goodbye Blue Butterfly Friends!

Last Wednesday was Benjamin's last day of 3 year old preschool. He had an end of the year party which was a great send off to summer and a wonderful way to wrap up his first year of school. He loved his Blue Butterfly Class and teachers. He learned so much and had such a fun-filled year. I was sad to see the school year come to an end. I actually teared up a bit as we said farewell to his friends and teachers. But we look forward to his next year back at HOPE Preschool.
Samuel went along with me to Benjamin's end of the year ice cream social and had as much fun as the big kids. He has always tried to jump right into the classroom and get into the play dough, blocks or whatever he could when we drop Benjamin off but this time he got to stay and play! He really enjoyed the little kitchen they have set up in the classroom and actually came running out of it, toy pot in hand, and into the picture the other parents and I were trying to take of preschool class together. Not for sure what target he was going for with that pot but it seemed as if he was aiming right for his big brother's head.

The kids did a craft where they each put their hand print on a tote bag so they have a tote with all their Blue Butterfly friends' handprints on it. They turned out really cute.

At the end of the party the kids each received gifts from their teachers. (I don't quite remember all this fan-fare as a child). Each child received a bucket full of bubbles, sunglasses, a beach ball, and a photo album from their activities throughout the school year. It was all so very exciting.
They gave him a booklet that consisted of a few things they had done throughout the year. A survey he took at the beginning of the year that included this information:
My name is Benjamin and I am in the Blue Butterfly class.
I am 3 years old.
My favorite color is: blue.
My favorite food is: Poptarts.
My favorite song is: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
I have 2 dogs at home and their names are Campbell and Loudoun.
When I am not at school I like to play cars.
It also stated that he grew an amazing 2 1/2 inches since September!
The booklet is a special keepsake that I'm sure we'll treasure for years to come and look at throughout this summer as we get psyched up for heading back to school in the fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures as always! It sure looks like they had a very good time! I can't believe he has grown that much! WOW! Watch out soon he will be taller than you! Just kidding, that takes a while, but then you start looking up to them and that isn't fun you can quote me on that one. Samuel looked like he had a blast!

Love you Guys!

Miss you Guys!