As we finished up and closed the book Benjamin said "I want to see your brothers."
hmm. My brothers? I wondered for a second what the heck he could be referring to. Then I recalled the photo of Dr. Seuss. Ha! Dr. Seuss had facial hair! As do my brothers Ron and Kenny. I flipped to the front of the book. "Do you mean him?"
"Yes, your brothers."

Benjamin, "Oh."
I don't think we have any friends here in Virginia that have facial hair. It never really dawned on me until this fall when my brother Ron was due out for a visit and Benjamin declared that he was scary and had a beard. "Yes, he has a beard but it's not scary." Uncle Ron let him tickle his beard and made light of it and Benjamin was okay with it. Not excited about it but okay with it.
Then Uncle Kenny was coming in December to make that drive