Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Benjamin's German Kindergarten Christmas Program

During Benjamin's third week of attending German Kindergarten he was in their school program. He was a bird along with a few of the other children.

All the families were invited and we filled up their small "gymnastics"
room for their performance. Of course, it was all in German and we did not understand any of it but it was cute and Benjamin did a good job.

They must have practiced a lot because he really seemed to know what he was supposed to do. And he surprised us as well as his teachers when he actually joined in singing the song the class sang at the end.

After the brief performance the families had all
brought goodies to share and we enjoyed some German and
American treats.

Some Video Clips from the Past...

This past summer as an early birthday present, Don gave me a new MacBook Pro. I love it and have found many uses for it and have spent many hours on it...

When we arrived to Germany, we had very little to entertain the boys but we had my MacBook! I was just going through some old video clips and pictures the boys had done on it and came across these priceless video clips.

PhotoBooth on the Mac is a great interactive program and includes lots of ways to distort images as you will witness in these clips.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Photo Attempts

A couple of weeks ago I attempted to get a good pic of the three kids together. It was a good idea... but these things never turn out as grand as planned. So, here are a couple peeks at our attempts!

As the Christmas cards continue to arrive here, I notice that friends and family with children older than ours seem much more receptive to getting their pictures taken. So, there is hope... maybe in a few more years we will have all smiles... but for now we shall cherish our little ones and these precious years with their close to perfect poses.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Christbaum Search

Last weekend we got our first live Christmas tree! In the past we were always headed to Illinois for a couple of weeks so we would put up a fake tree. So, we bundled up the kids and headed to the Christbaum-Center ("baum" meaning tree, of course).

It was a nice tree farm close to another American military housing area. They had tons of trees that you could cut down yourself or they had an area where you could select fro
m some of their trees which they had already cut. We opted to pick from a pre-cut tree in the 35 Euro price range. The boys had a good time checking out all the trees and running around the tree farm, even though temperatures were a lil brisk.

We only brought one bin of Christmas decorations with us and left the rest of our holiday stuff in storage back in the states. We did pretty well
with what we brought. We had to pick up a tree stand, tree skirt, and 220V Christmas lights but that's about it. Our tree is not huge but it is perfect for our little home. And the boys had a blast decorating the bottom half of the tree with kid friendly ornaments. Some of which they delighted in the fact that they hand-made.

Jingle! Jingle! Jingle!

This morning at church we were all surprised with a performance by the children. It was delightful and I humbly say my boys stole the show. After church the congregation always proceeds to the basement of the chapel for a light snack and punch. Today, we had several people after church come up to us and comment on how entertaining our boys were. (I'd have to agree.) If the video is shaking a bit it is because I was giggling so much. This was Samuel's debut on stage, as he has never before had the opportunity to join in and be in front of an audience. He LOVES instruments and singing and this was just the platform he needed to show his talents...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Garbage vs. Recycling

Our Samuel is fascinated by the garbage and recycling trucks. He always has been and I hope he keeps enjoying this boyhood fascination for some time. Between the garbage and recycling trucks in our neighborhood it seems like they visit our neighborhood frequently.

I took this video clip of Samuel admiring the garbage men at work back in October. He is looking out our dining room window... which he does every Thursday when they come to take our garbage and recycling away.

I have found that Germans have somewhat of a passion for recycling. We have lots of different bins and it has taken some time to get a system down for all the sorting. We have 4 main categories:
1. Plastics & aluminum
2. Cardboard & Paper
3. Compost (food waste)
4. Rubbish

I have learned to truly miss having a garbage disposal in my kitchen sink. If you have one in your kitchen, as most Americans probably do in this day and age... do me a favor, and please don't take this convenience for granted. Treasure it! Praise it!
Enjoy it! (ahhhh... sometimes it's the simple things I miss). Some day I too shall return to life with a garbage disposal and I will be forever grateful to whoever invented that amazing contraption.

Anyway, the recycling is somewhat awesome and somewhat crazy. As a family of five with two still in diapers/pullups, we can accumulate our fair share of waste. We live on the second floor. Trips to the dumpsters seem to be made all too frequent.

Oh, and in addition to the top four categories, we also have a couple more centralized recycling areas just a short walk away... one for old batteries and one for glass. Generally, we do not generate a lot of waste in those areas. Glass beer bottles and glass soda (pop) bottles are recycled by deposit. As in, you return your bottle for a small amount of money for returning those bottles. Other glass is broken down into three categories: clear glass, colored glass and brown glass.

Does this all sound confusing or what? When we first arrived we received a chart that breaks it all down for us so we know what is supposed to go where. It's posted on our fridge and may be until the day we move! But we are getting more used to the idea of what goes where.

After living here for three years, I bet we will become accustomed to all the recycling and be amazed at all the waste many Americans still create. And of course, we will appreciate having a garbage disposal again.

Our Sweet and Smiley Baby

I need to catch a video clip of Grace and her new found capability to really giggle. But these still photos will have to do for now. She continues to sleep through the night and wakes up incredibly happy stretching her neck around as if she needs to make sure she's not missing out on anything going on around her. She scoots all over her crib and rolls from her front to back all the time now.

She also loves to make eye contact with anyone and everyone. As soon as she realizes someone is looking at her she lights up with a big grin that you can't help smiling back at. She will be 5 months old tomorrow and I LOVE THIS BABY AGE!

We continue to be amazed at how quickly she is growing up on us! Sometimes I find myself just watching her lay in her crib so I can leave an imprint in my mind of this brief time in her life where she is tiny and so full of joy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who is that masked baby?

Okay... was this worth the wait for a blog post or what? Here is our precious lil Grace in disguise! We attended a birthday party awhile back for one of Benjamin's friends and these little glasses were in the goodie bag from the party.

I kind of wish I could say this was the boys idea but I just couldn't resist the temptation of seeing what Grace would look like with these on! I should let Daddy take the blame since he ended up posing in the picture with her. She is probably not going to like me very much for these pics when she's old enough to know better! But for now, I'll share them with the world. Enjoy!

Our First Road Trip Since the Move...

Happy December! We have had a busy month so far and no sight of things slowing down anytime soon.

The few days before Thanksgiving, the kids and I traveled to southern Germany with Don on a conference he attended for work. While Don was in meetings the kids and I spent a rainy day in the hotel enjoying the indoor pool. That was a huge treat for the kids since they have not been swimming since we left the states.
Here are a few photos from our trip into the foot of the Alps.

Friday, November 20, 2009

10 Years and Counting...

Ten years ago today, Don and I got married. Wowsers! 10 years! So, I'm glad I decided to keep him even after he smeared all that wedding cake all over my face.

Actually, we've really enjoyed some wonderful times together with the highlights, of course, being building our family and welcoming each of our children into our lives. It's been amazing watching Don become the good father that he is to our kids. I remember him telling me early on that he'd never change a diaper. Glad he didn't stick to his guns on that one! He went above and beyond changing diapers and I feel so blessed that my children have such a wonderful man to call Daddy and that I have that same great guy to call my husband.

Now onto the next 10 years!

Monday, November 16, 2009

"I *Heart* Etsy"

Since we have moved to Germany I have become a big fan of Internet shopping. And I stress "shopping" not necessarily "buying." I have made a few online purchases but haven't gone crazy by any means... remember I did just recently give up my "paying" job to become a full-time stay at home mom.

Anyway, there is a site called www.etsy.com and if you have never visited it I would highly recommend you do. I have spent many hours just "shopping" around on Etsy and falling in love with lots and lots of things! All the things on Etsy are handmade and you can find just about anything and everything you could ever imagine. It's like a huge online craft show. And I love craft shows. Maybe my mom scarred me for life after dragging me... er, I mean, letting me help her do craft shows as a kid. Anyway, if it's handmade it's extra special in my book.

So, what does all this about Etsy have to do with this "Oh so cute" photo of our Gracie? Well, I fell in love with this "Oh so cute" hat on Etsy and had to have it for our girl. And, I think you can see why! Doesn't she just look "Oh so cute" in it?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bakin Cookies

Here is a video clip of our silly little Samuel baking cookies with his mommy. He loves to help out doing anything and everything... and baking is no exception.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some Things About Germany: Grocery Shopping

We have been here, in Germany, 2 months now which is hard to believe (as I sit with quite a few unpacked boxes throughout our home). We seem to be settling into a routine for the most part these days. And little by little we are getting boxes unpacked and finding places for our stuff. So, our place is starting to feel more like home.

I am getting more comfortable with driving, at least to and from the typical places we go. And I am so thankful for the awesome GPS that Don picked up since we've been here. It is great and even if I make a wrong turn along the way it simply adjusts the route and I'm back on track. Sometimes I will find new routes to explore just knowing that I can always rely on my GPS to get me back home! Without our trusty GPS I would have been lost a gazillion times by now! Phew. I love some of the high tech devices that make life easy (and more fun!).

I have had a few people ask me about grocery shopping and foods that we're able to find and eat. The commissary (or grocery store for military families) is a short drive from our home (about 15 minutes) near Benjamin's preschool. It is a decent commissary and has most things that we eat and enjoy. There are a few differences and not as much of a selection of brands that you would find in an American grocery store but as long as you're not stuck on brand loyalty then it's no problem. Or they may have one flavor of something versus the typical American way of 25 alternatives! And I have found that sometimes the commissary runs out of things so if they have something during one trip to the commissary it doesn't mean they'll have it the next time.

Some of the biggest differences shopping here include the milk (because our family is crazy about milk). When we first arrived and were staying at the guesthouse, we
experienced the long shelf life milk. It's chalky and nasty to say the least. They sell "US Forces Europe" milk at the commissary. It tastes normal! YEAH! And is available in Skim, 1%, 2% and Whole. The down fall is that it is sold in half gallon cartons (like when we...some of you reading this anyways... were kids!) The shelf life is not as long as milk you would buy in the states either. We go through A LOT of half gallons.

Most things I buy at the commissary are familiar things. But I do venture slightly outside the comfort zone and try things that are obvious what they are but their labels are completely in German. We've found some really yummy yogurt this way... some German animal crackers that Samuel LOVES... and tonight the pasta I made was all wri
tten in German... but I could follow the instructions by the illustrations included as well as the part that said "2 mins." The pasta was really yummy stuffed with cheese and the boys devoured it. We will be sampling other varieties of that pasta!

And then they have things that we are accustomed to that have a different flavor and sometimes name to them. Like Capri-Sun which is "Capri-Sonne" here and the flavors are bizarre. The boys enjoy exploring new ones. Each trip to the commissary I let them pick out a new one. Some I find incredibly nasty... like the Vitamin flavor? What?! A kids drink... vitamin flavor? I tried it and it seriously has a vitamin flavor. yuck. My kids drank it though without complaint.

Overall, shopping is a no brainer due to the fact that we have the advantage of being so close to the commissary. I recently found out that the Army offers tours of the German grocery stores to familiarize you with stuff here. I have not ventured into a German grocery store at this point. Hopefully, soon I will get a chance to take some of the courses offered to military and dependents and find out more about these tours and other programs offered through the military. But in the mean time, it seems like time is flying by and the kids keep me extremely busy! (So, this is what being a full-time stay at home mom is like).

Benjamin is enjoying his preschool and Samuel is just loving life. Samuel occasionally attends hourly care at the same place Benjamin goes to school and Samuel calls it his "school." He asks
to go and always leaves with a smile. I am trying to take him more often... at least once a week so he can have some socialization and I can enjoy some "me" time.
Grace is growing leaps and bounds and is as smiley as ever. The boys are enjoying her more and more each day as she lights up when they interact with her.

I have a lot more to report about our experiences so far in Germany so I will try to post more soon.

Trick or Treat

It seems like forever ago now... but I never got around to posting photos from Halloween.

The night before Halloween we went to an event at Patrick Henry Village Chapel called Truck or Treat. Everyone got dressed up and about
15 cars decorated their car trunks and passed out candy. There was a moon bounce and games for the kids as well as a fire pit to roast marshmallows and horse drawn carriage rides. It was cold and we arrived later than we had planned so we missed out
on a few of the events but with the weather being so cool we spent more than enough time there.

On Halloween night we enjoyed trick or treating in our neighborhood.

Of course, most Germans do not "celebrate" halloween but in this area which has a high population of Americans there were quite a few Germans dressed up for trick or treating as well as all the American kids.

The boys and I went trick or treating within our gated area as well as another gated area across the street from us. Don stayed back home with Grace and sat outside with some neighbors to pass out candy. To say that the Army community got into the spirit of Halloween would be an understatement. Some areas went all out with tons of food and drinks in addition to candy and lots of decorations as well as a big moon bounce.

We bundled our lil Spiderman and Superman up and I, in full "Batmom" attire, pulled them
in their wagon. They had a blast and are still working on polishing off some of those Halloween treats.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Spiderman, Snow White and a Fairy

Benjamin was off to preschool today where they were allowed to wear their Halloween costumes or dress as their favorite character from a book. Benjamin had been looking forward to this all week!

And last night he received a huge surprise from our dear old neighbor in Ashburn, Virginia. Ms. Katie sent Benjamin the Spiderman gloves he was dreaming of having to make his Spiderman costume. They came just in time and he could hardly wait to try them on as soon as he opened the package. (THANK YOU Ms. Katie!)

So, off to meet the little girls that are in our carpool... one of them was Snow White and the other was a Fairy (whose wings were going to be attached at school). They were so cute and of course, I had camera in hand!

More photos of our Halloween adventures coming soon...

Pumpkin Carvin' Time

All of our housing goods arrived last Friday and we are still living amidst lots and lots of boxes but slowly the amount of boxes is diminishing. But even with the boxes and the mess around our house we are happy to have our things... and life must go on.

Last night we did our annual pumpkin carving!
Don was on baby duty while I carved and scooped the pumpkins with the boys. The boys were not excited about dipping their hands into the pumpkins and pu
lling the insides out but otherwise we had a good time.
The boys were happy with the way their happy and scary pumpkins turned out.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things Are Getting Batty

Halloween is right around the corner and the kids are getting excited. Benjamin has been saying all year long that Halloween is his favorite holiday. (With all the candy the kids end up with from trick or treating-- who can blame him?)

Grandma Pat and Pappa Harry send them some Halloween cards that were more than just cards... there was a cut out on them which turned into these batty glasses. The boys had a blast with them!

I'm also posting a picture of our happy lil Grace showing off some of her seasonal attire. She is such a ham these days as it's so easy to get her to smile.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gracie Jo

All our stuff arrived on Friday. It's been crazy with boxes literally everywhere but we're slowly unpacking. It may be a good while before I feel motivated to spend a lot of time back on the blog but thought I'd post a couple cute pictures of our sweet baby girl.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tee Hee

I took this picture of Grace recently and it makes me smile every time I look at it. She is always sticking out that little tongue of hers and you can tell she's about to really stick it out here.

Our lil Grace turned 3 months old on Monday. She is growing and changing more and more each day. I saw a two week old baby recently and I looked at our "little" Grace and she looked huge. Wasn't she just 2 weeks old? hmmm. Well, she is weighing in at 14 pounds and her personality is growing leaps and bounds. She loves to look at herself in the mirror and bursts out into a huge smile when she sees herself. She eats up all the attention she gets from her big brothers and has turned them a little ga-ga over her as they talk and sing to her, wave toys for her, etc. to get her to smile. And she does and then we do... it's contagious... that smile of hers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brotherly Love

Moving to Germany has really opened my eyes to what great friends my boys are to each other. We haven't had many toys for the boys to play with the past month and a half but they continue to amaze me by what they come up with to entertain themselves with. They invented a game they call "Slippery Socks" and that's just them running around the place, acting silly and sliding around on their "slippery socks." So, I often hear them saying "Wanna play Slippery Socks?" to each other. They also love to rearrange the borrowed furniture and come up with new ways to entertain themselves just by pushing the chairs together (like in the posted photo). One day I noticed them being awfully quiet which always makes me suspicious so I headed back to one of the bedrooms to see just what they were up to. I heard a lot of giggling once I got closer but my boys were out of sight. I opened the closet door in one of the bedrooms and there I found two lil boys coiled up like snakes in shelves in the closet... just giggling away with excitement at their new found hiding spots.

All in all, they get along
great... they entertain each other and they love to laugh, be silly, hug on each other and tell
each other that they love one another... BUT they do have their moments... like any brothers. There is usually not a day that goes by that I don't hear Samuel crying and banging on the bedroom door because his big brother is declaring that he wants to play by himself. Then a
fiasco usually ensues and Samuel starts swinging... and Benjamin starts swinging... more crying, etc. Such is life with boys! Overall, I cannot imagine making this move to Germany with them not having one another to entertain each other, wrestle with and laugh with.

And now they are working on that everlasting bond with their little sister.
As I often find them confessing their love to her, singing her songs, giving her bottles, dangling toys in her face, etc. At the end of
the day, their love for one another and their love for life makes being their parent so rewarding.