Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trick or Treat

It seems like forever ago now... but I never got around to posting photos from Halloween.

The night before Halloween we went to an event at Patrick Henry Village Chapel called Truck or Treat. Everyone got dressed up and about
15 cars decorated their car trunks and passed out candy. There was a moon bounce and games for the kids as well as a fire pit to roast marshmallows and horse drawn carriage rides. It was cold and we arrived later than we had planned so we missed out
on a few of the events but with the weather being so cool we spent more than enough time there.

On Halloween night we enjoyed trick or treating in our neighborhood.

Of course, most Germans do not "celebrate" halloween but in this area which has a high population of Americans there were quite a few Germans dressed up for trick or treating as well as all the American kids.

The boys and I went trick or treating within our gated area as well as another gated area across the street from us. Don stayed back home with Grace and sat outside with some neighbors to pass out candy. To say that the Army community got into the spirit of Halloween would be an understatement. Some areas went all out with tons of food and drinks in addition to candy and lots of decorations as well as a big moon bounce.

We bundled our lil Spiderman and Superman up and I, in full "Batmom" attire, pulled them
in their wagon. They had a blast and are still working on polishing off some of those Halloween treats.

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