Monday, October 20, 2008

Some Family Time

We have been enjoying some wonderful family time since Don's return. We have been spending much of our time at home. And Don has been feeling a bit under the weather (which after some stressful and hectic couple of weeks is understandable). Overall, we have been sharing some great laughs and good times with the boys.

As a big surprise we ordered a blue Power Wheels ride on Jeep for the boys which arrived about a week before Don's return. So, Saturday morning we surprised them with it. They both love it and we've been spending lots of time outside while Benjamin cruises around the neighborhood.

This morning we went to pick up Don's new car (which he had ordered while still in Iraq). The boys (including Daddy-O) had a blast checking the new vehicle out. And Don says I have left my mark on it by securing two car sets in it right away. His lil sports car complete with two car seats!
(Actually, he was pretty thrilled to have us all pile in his new car (car seats and all) so we could all enjoy the thrill of getting a new car).

And this afternoon Daddy took Benjamin to preschool and met his teachers and classmates. Benjamin is VIP (Very Important Preschooler) this week in his class so it is an exciting week at school for him as well. He brought a photo collage of himself with family members as well as a paper cardinal he had to decorate. (He is in the "Cardinal" class and of course he colored his cardinal blue. Hmm, more of a blue jay but this is Benjamin we're talking about and the teacher did say they could decorate them however they'd like).

We've had some busy but great days and have been enjoying every minute! Just enjoying some of our weekly tasks together have been fun: Benjamin's soccer, going to church, eating meals together, reading stories, wrestling around, playing with favorite toys, etc. It's amazing the lil things you take for granted and appreciate so much when they're shared as a family again! We're all loving it!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Congratulations on your new cars! (both Don's and Benjamin's new rides!)

THe pictures are so very sweet!