Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Busy Week

Don is not quite home yet but the anticipation sure is building! He still has a few things to do before he can leave Ft. Lewis. But, hopefully, he will be home sometime this evening! (Yes, amazing to finally be able to type those words!).

The boys and I have had a busy and eventful week otherwise. Including our crazy Wednesday which lead us to the local Urgent Care around 9 a.m. Samuel was running into the dining room, tripped and cracked his head on a dinning room chair. (Yet another notch on this child's forehead. ugh). He was screaming and as I picked him up the blood just covered his face. I not so calmly told Benjamin to get me the phone as I was trying to stop the blood. I called our trusty neighbor, Rebbecca and asked if she could come to the ER with me. (She is the mom of 3 school-aged boys). She said "I'll be right there." And she was. Phew. By the time we got out the door the blood had really slowed down and I think just having Rebbecca there helped calm me down (I'm not too good with the sight of blood, especially in large quantity that seemed to be endlessly flowing out of Samuel). So, Rebbecca drove and Samuel calmed down and realized I was sitting next to him. (Kind of a treat since I really never get in the back seat with them these days). Since the blood had slowed and Samuel was calm we decided to head for an Urgent Care center close by (vs. the ER across town).

Once there, Rebbecca entertained Benjamin while I took Samuel back to be seen by the nurses and doctor. They decided he did not need stitches. Phew. And they actually used a glue for skin that seals it up and should help reduce the scaring. Overall, it was a good experience (as far as an "emergency" experience) and we were out of there in about an hour.

We went home for a couple hours and I put Samuel down for a nap. Not sure he ended up napping but he did rest some before we were off to Pumpkinville in nearby Leesburg for Benjamin's school field trip. The boys had a great time. It was unseasonably warm around 80 degrees and really a beautiful day to spend outside. But it also made for a long and exhausting day for both me and the boys.

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