Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Silly Samuel

This is our silly Samuel. He's such a busy boy but a total joy and generally a smiley lil man.

These are just a few pictures taken this week of some of Samuel's silly antics.

Tonight at dinner he picked up a pumpkin place mat and peeked at Benjamin and I repeatedly. He knows he's cute! So, Benjamin and I enjoyed dinner and a show from Samuel.

The photo of Samuel with the soccer balls was taken Sunday after church but is actually a common pose that Samuel has. He loves balls! And he will try to carry around as many as he can at any given time. He's getting pretty good at it! He can actually hold them like this and then shoot one through his basketball hoop. He's going to be disappointed when he does do sports someday and finds out that there is only one ball on the court or field at any given time.

Samuel took a bit of spill on Friday. He spent all day at Ms. Natalie's house and came home without a scratch. Then he came home and within minutes he fell walking into the back sliding door. He fell right onto the metal door jam and it was just skinned. No blood. Unfortunately, it turned into a nasty scab which I cannot wait to heal up! Between the two of them it seems like someone always has a scab on their head of some sort! Boys! (If it was closer to Halloween I'd be tempted to dress him up as Frankenstein!).

I'm including a photo of Samuel throwing his blanket onto Loudoun. (The blanket is affectionately known as "Paggy" in our house. Benjamin named his blanket "Saggy" and Samuel's "Paggy" some time ago now and it his stuck. So, I often find myself asking Samuel "Where's Paggy?"). I am not sure exactly why he was doing this to our dog, Loudoun. But I think it looks like he's about ready to saddle up on her. (Benjamin will also be the first to tell you that "Loudoun is Samuel's doggie. And Campbell is my doggie." Which is actually pretty accurate especially since Loudoun likes to gently take any food Samuel has to offer out of his hands.)

And here is a photo of Samuel with his first attempt at playing with Play dough. I'm not sure he knew what to make of the stuff, however, he got very excited when I rolled the Play dough into a ball and he exclaimed "Ball! Ball!" Unfortunately, he decided that it looked more like food than something to play with. So, the activity was short lived.

Another thing Samuel LOVES to do is help. At the grocery store he helps take things out of the cart and place them onto the checkout counter, he carries up the recycling bin to the front of the garage once a week, he carries in the Sunday newspaper, etc. With his helpful nature, it's only natural that after dinner he likes to take a sponge and help me scrub the table down. He's going to make a good husband someday!

Don should be home in the later part of next week (I know, it's exciting for me to even type that!). And there are so many things I can't wait to share with him again. The thing I look forward to most is sharing in all the joys of parenting our boys together.

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