Monday, October 27, 2008

Our Pumpkin Creations

We carved a pumpkin tonight and decorated another one. Benjamin said "We've never carved a pumpkin before." hmm. "Well, not since last year when you were three." (Overall, Benjamin has a pretty amazing memory [kinda like his Uncle Tim and cousin, Christopher] so I was a bit surprised by this comment).

When we first brought the pumpkins in the house Samuel just sat on one of them. (I'm including a shot of that). I think he keeps thinking these pumpkins are balls. He has attempted to roll them down our front stairs a few times and the way he sat on it was how he often sits on a big bouncy ball he has.

Anways, pumpkin carving is a fun time that I look forward to each year. And generally not something Don participates in. He is a very hands-on Daddy and a great Daddy but there are some things that he just takes a pass on which is fine by me. But NOT this year! He got right into the goopy pumpkin guts and seemed to enjoy every minute. It was great. (Although he just walked by and mentioned something about it being a full court press or a man-man defense. I didn't think it was really that chaotic. hmm. Last year there was no one here to help carve so I guess it's a manner of perspective).

Anyways, I ended up with some good photos. No worry, blog fans, I may skimp on some of my entries now that my hubby is home (yes, I'm referring to the phone call I recently received asking "Where are the blog posts?") but I will continue to bore you all with our family photos. As many of you know, I love taking photos, especially of our boys!


Anonymous said...

So glad that Don made it home safely!!! Warmest wishes guys...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keep us informed. We love your blog!


Anonymous said...

The pumpkins look great! Looks like you had a good time!
