Sunday, September 14, 2008

A "Flatdaddy" Update

Thought I'd just take a minute and post this photo of the boys and I that my neighbor took of us right after church today. It amazed me that it turned out at all because Samuel was fighting to run away from us the entire time!

I also caught a couple of pics of Samuel and our "Flatdaddy" last night. I think it's been a good long while since "Flatdaddy" has made an appearance on the blog. Well, Samuel has officially learned the word "Daddy" and today Don finally got to hear it over the phone! I was thrilled that he said it right before we hung up!

We have been practicing saying in the word "Daddy" every day for awhile now. Our "Flatdaddy" has become a regular at the dinner table lately and I often say "Where's Daddy?" And then Samuel points to our "Flatdaddy", says "Dada" and lights up.

Our "Flatdaddy" is not in the best of shape. He has been in his own war of sorts just being dragged around our house by two active boys. He has several creases in him and his head is been secured from flopping around with a lollipop stick and heavy duty tape. Overall, it has been great having our "Flatdaddy" around and a great aid in getting Samuel to say "Dada"!
Our real "Daddy-O" sounds good, excited... eager to come home! He is, obviously, counting down the days til his departure from there and until his arrival here. (As are we). Benjamin spoke to him for a good long while this morning. He told him all about his first soccer practice and rambled on and on about numerous other things. Then it was Samuel's turn who babbled, pressed buttons and hung up on him. Oops. Fortunately, Daddy-O called right back. He received our final care package which I sent last week and I feel some sort of sense of finality even saying it is our "final" care package! One more step towards closure on this adventure.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

YAY for learning "Daddy" and for one month left!! How exciting!!