Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October is Here! (finally, phew!)

Tonight I snapped a photo of our two lil pumpkins after bath time. Pumpkin towels... just a lil sign that

Well, as you can imagine we are seriously counting down the days now! Don should be here, at home, with us, in about 17 days!

The day cannot come soon enough. Benjamin has been asking for the past month, almost daily, "Is today the day Daddy comes home?" I long for the day that I can answer "Yes!" And that day is finally approaching.

Don's replacement arrived a few days ago. So, we have heard very little from him due to the fact that he is extremely busy working to train him and also limited on his computer time now. Last week Don moved out of his oh so cozy container and into a tent! Another step to his return! We have received four packages of stuff that he's shipped home. Another sign he's soon to follow. Yipee! Just a bit over a week and he should be out of Iraq and eventually en route here!

Daily, I have so many people asking me "How many days til your husband is home now?" And I cannot even answer without grinning! It seems so unreal that the day is almost here! It's like waiting for Christmas (only better!).

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. And also for sharing in the excitement of his upcoming return.

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