Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Benjamin's Back to School!

Finally, back to school for Benjamin! He was thrilled, excited and ready to start his new school year.

Last week we went to school and met his teachers. And that same day he went home and drew them a picture.

So, today we were getting ready to go and I looked in his backpack to make sure we had everything and he had tucked the picture he drew safely in his backpack. It was too cute. He did not want to forget it!

It started raining about 20 minutes before we had to head out the door. My neighbor, Rebbecca (who is always willing to help me in any way... she's a total lifesaver!) came over and stayed with Samuel so I could focus on Benjamin and give him a lil extra attention on his first day.

So off we went! We met up with Jack for their obligatory 1st day of school pictures together. They were so cute and happy. And as I watched a couple of kids crying their way into the school I was thankful that my child was not one of those!
Benjamin's new teacher, Mrs. Nickles noticed the improvement of Benjamin's scratched up face and was thrilled to see the picture Benjamin drew for her. She said she would put it in her "treasure chest." (These preschool teachers really know how to say the right things!)

I returned home just in time for Samuel's nap. It was odd having all that time to myself! Then I had to wake Samuel up to go pick Benjamin up. ugh. Hopefully this will not become part of our routine but with Benjamin now having afternoon preschool it may very well reroute Samuel's sleep schedule!

When we arrived Benjamin was thrilled. He was excited to see me but also excited to tell Mrs. Nickles he would see her tomorrow. He was bubbling over with so many things to tell me as we got in the car.

He had a sticker on that said "Calendar" so I said "You did calendar today?" And he said "Mrs. Nickles made a mistake. Another girl did flag. What's a mistake?"

(Not sure if he was supposed to hold the flag for the pledge and someone else ended up doing it or what but that's what it sounded like. The cutest part was that he clearly told me that Mrs. Nickles made a mistake but then he obviously did not know what that word meant).

We stopped and picked up my helper from the high school nearby. We went out to dinner tonight which was somewhat of a disaster. Probably just too much excitement for one day. The boys were not so well behaved. Not that they're ever lil angels but they were really all over the place with crazy behavior tonight. (I'm sure my helper was ready to get home after that!)

While we were out, Benjamin mentioned that he could write the letter "B". He doesn't know how to write his name just yet and has really come a long ways with crayons and pencils over the summer. But as far as writing his name... last year the teachers had him tracing the letters so that's how I figured you're supposed to teach him. Apparently, Mrs. Nickles has some other tricks up her sleeve!

When we got home tonight we pulled out the crayons and pencils and he quickly drew me one straight line and two circles. A nice backwards "B"... but a "B" nonetheless. The first letter he ever wrote! If this teacher can get one letter out of my son on his first day of school then I am just thrilled to see what this school year has in store for him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Benjamin! I can't wait to hear more about the things you are learning in school. I am very proud of you!

Love you! Miss you!

Aunt Gloria