Saturday, September 13, 2008

Soccer Starts!

Today Benjamin started soccer! This is his first organized sport and he's been so looking forward to it! (It was supposed to start last week but got rained out).
Unfortunately, Benjamin started our day at 5 a.m. ugh. He'd been sleeping in past 7 a.m. all week and today of all days he got up at the crack of dawn! It had rained last night so I was a lil nervous that soccer would be cancelled again but it turned out to be a beautiful, hot, steamy day!

Benjamin was a lil shy when we first arrived at soccer. He kept hiding behind me but eventually he warmed up and he was chasing the soccer ball all over the place. They mostly just play lil games that teach them some basic soccer skills. His best buddy, Jack is on the same soccer team too. They had a good time! Although Benjamin did manage to break down into tears once (which I believe was really due to his early rising this morning!). But the outburst was short lived and he was up and running around within seconds.
The team is made up of thirteen 3 and 4 year olds, 2 coaches (dads) and 1 trainer. It was quite amusing to watch all the kids in action!

Now both boys are sleeping. Samuel is wore out after being woken up several times this week (adjusting to that afternoon preschool is going to cause a few sleep issues!). I tried to wake Benjamin up but he was fighting it and eventually fell back asleep. I will regret letting him sleep later tonight when I'm sure he'll be up until 10 p.m. But for now, I am rather enjoying the quiet time to myself! Ahhh... the life of a soccer mom! ha!
(Click on the photos to enlarge them).

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