Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Best Buddies: Benjamin and Jack

Saturday Benjamin and Jack had a sleepover at our house. They were both thrilled!

Jack's parents had an engagement party to go to so I offered to keep Jack for the night. And the evening just flew by! Jack arrived around 6:30 p.m. and the boys enjoyed playing with trains for awhile. We had dinner then our neighbor Katie sent over some Popsicles for the boys. They enjoyed those before a bath. Then a couple of stories at bedtime and then they stayed up talking and giggling until around 9 p.m. They were both exhausted from a busy day and finally fell asleep.

They were up at 5:45 a.m. Once Benjamin is up, he is up. But I sent Jack back to bed and I think he managed to sleep for almost another hour.

They were so cute together and it really made me look forward to the days when the boys get older and we can have their friends over for sleepovers.

Yesterday when I picked Benjamin up from school we stopped to visit with Jack (who also goes to the same school but is in a different class). Jack was opening up his backpack to show his mommy his family he created in preschool. It was a string of four people (kind of like a chain of paper dolls). Each person had a name written on them... "Mommy", "Daddy", "Jack" and "Benjamin." Yes, that was not a typo. Jack's brother is actually named Nicholas but not on Jack's artwork! Apparently, Jack thinks Benjamin is part of his family! Natalie and I really got a good laugh out of that one. His teachers are going to think his lil brother is named Benjamin NOT Nicholas. And later Jack's Daddy asked him where Nicholas was (referring to the artwork) and Jack responded "Upstairs!" (as if Dennis didn't know Nicholas was upstairs).

They're just at such a cute fun age. They are learning new things every day and it's amazing to see their lil minds work and hear what comes out of their mouths.

Just last week after watching a dinosaur movie 'Land Before Time,' Benjamin told me that "B is for Time."

ME: "No, Benjamin, T is for time."

Benj: "That's not what they said on 'Land Before Time." (B For Time)

ME: "Hmm."

Benj: "B is for Time."

ME: "That's not what they meant. T is for time." (Then I fumbled around with trying to explain the concept of the word "before" which is not easy to do without actually using the word "before.")

NOTE TO SHERYL CARTER: Yes, that is the same bed we used to have sleepovers in! Only a new and improved mattress and NO rainbow bedding!

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