Monday, February 8, 2010

Grace's 6 Month Portraits

A couple of weeks ago I took Grace to get her 6 month portraits taken. She was such a good baby for the photo session and we ended up with a few great photos! Including one this great one of her sticking out her tongue which seems to have become her trademark pose!

She is weighing in at almost 20 pounds now. Carrying her in her infant car seat carrier is getting more and more difficult. But with Benjamin's school being so close it seems that most week days we really don't drive anywhere! So, I hesitate to move her up to a bigger car seat just yet but I know the time is coming very soon. In the meantime, I will keep getting a workout when I lug her 20 pound + car seat to and from the car and up to our second floor apartment.

I tried posting a video of her crawling but I'm not sure it is working just right or if everyone can view it. I will try to post another one soon. She is really on the move and LOVES the freedom she has crawling around on the floor. She also loves chasing after everything, especially the dogs and getting into everything. It's amazing just how fast she has gotten good at crawling.
Our little girl is growing up too fast!

This last photo of Grace in the pink sweater is a sweater that my Aunt Shirley in Massachusetts made for me when I was a baby. It fits her perfect and she looks too cute in it!
Thank you, Aunt Shirley for this timeless treasure. (And of course, to Mom, for saving this lil something special for your granddaughter!)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Love the pics!