Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Grace's Latest Accomplishment

Grace has been on the move for a few weeks now... she is getting quicker and starting to pull up on things on her own. Today I heard her for some time in her crib waking up from her nap... but she wasn't fussing or crying so I held off on getting her for a little bit. Then, when I did finally go see what she was up to she was STANDING in her crib and beaming with a total look of accomplishment on her face.

So, here she is just shy of 7 months old and such a little bundle of energy. She is getting her first two teeth (on the bottom) and has been a bit fussy lately which I attribute to that. But she has also started with some separation anxiety so whenever I leave a room she tends to start with the tears. Most days she is literally attached to my hip or crawling around on the floor.

After all her recent developments, it has us wondering what our little Grace has in store for us next! Samuel started walking at 9 months old and actually took his first steps when Don was home for his R&R from Iraq. Don and I keep joking that maybe Grace is trying to show him up and walk even earlier. Crawling, teething, pulling up on things: these just all seem to be signs that our sweet baby is growing up on us... it's happening too fast. Slow down, Grace... we're enjoying these milestones but will miss all that "baby-ness" that seems to be passing us by so fast. I guess sooner or later I will have to give up and realize that they she can't stay little forever.

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