Monday, February 15, 2010

Samuel Is Three!

Sunday afternoon we had more than St. Valentine's Day to celebrate...we celebrated Samuel's birthday with a small party. Samuel was so excited about his baseball party! He had been dreaming about a cake that he would point out to Don every time they went to the nearby shopette. It was, of course, a baseball themed cake. So, last week, he and I walked over to the shopette and ordered his cake... he picked yellow cake with blue frosting accents (which ended up turning everyone's mouths blue). And when I picked the cake up on Saturday, Samuel was glowing.
He really LOVED that cake! (Which saved me the added task of making his cake this year. Although, I kind of missed that lil extra touch but there is always next year).

With our limited amount of space in our apartment we decided to have the party upstairs where we have an open space with tables and chairs and room for the kids to run around and be crazy. Don blew up a ball pit that Samuel had received last year from his Uncle Kenny, Aunt Gloria and Keegan. It was such a special treat since it had been awhile since it had been blown up. The kids were all over it and really enjoyed it.

We played a few games at the party and we really stuck with the baseball theme for the food: hot dogs, Cracker Jacks, popcorn, peanuts, etc. It made it so simple and fun. I think the guests all had a pretty good time. And Samuel had a blast!

It's hard to believe that our lil man is 3 years old already. I have seen the definition of boy as: "boy: (n.) a noise with dirt on it." Samuel is all that and more! He is no doubt a rough and tumble boy. It has been a remarkable year for Samuel as he has increased his vocabulary tremendously and learned to express himself in so many ways. It's hard to believe we were ever worried about his speech (or lack thereof).
He has turned into an amazing curly haired little guy that has proved to be a handful from time to time but has a smile and tender side that would melt any parent's heart. We adore our Samuel and feel so blessed to have him as our son.

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