Monday, February 8, 2010

Mealtime Movie

Sometimes I spontaneously come up with a good idea (if I may say so myself). And today was a good day for one of those ideas. I'm working on getting a few things together for Samuel's upcoming third birthday party and Samuel has been busy watching t.v. He has recently become a big fan of the Disney's "Cars" movie (which is great in this house... because big brother Benjamin was all about "Cars" at this age). So, upon Samuel's request I started the "Cars" DVD for him (this is the third time in as many weeks that he's asked for it). Of course, he started watching the movie right at lunch time and the thought of prying him away to eat was not ideal.

We, as in Don and I, are not big fans of having the t.v. at meal times. However, sometimes breaking those rules can be the biggest treat! So, I pulled over a small table and child's size chair in front of the t.v. and wa-la instant meal table. I packed up a little lunch in a "Cars" lunchbox and Samuel was quite delighted to have his lunch right in front of the t.v. (and Mommy was still able to get a few things accomplished). In fact, he was so delighted I heard several "Thank you, Mommy"s and a bunch of "Yummy"s. Sometimes, the most simple things can be the biggest thrill... especially when you're three (er, almost three!).

Oh, and he ate his lunch quicker than he has in a loooooong time!

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