Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grace at 10 Months!

Somebody pinch me. Is Grace seriously 10 months old today? Wowsers! Time is just racing by.

Well, at 10 months she is as busy as ever and growing bigger and smarter every day.

She took her first couple of steps last week but is not quite ready to just start walking all over the place. She is content being the speedy crawler that she is... at least for now. She is into everything and insists on tasting everything as well.

She is babbling like crazy "Mama"... "Dada"... "Baba". And she definitely knows her name! If she is into something and we say "Gracie" sternly she acts all startled, as if she knows she's in trouble. She has also started to wave recently which Grandma Pat just eats up every time she sees her on

Her big brothers continue to adore her as she continues to make their lives a little more interesting everyday... into their toys, knocking over their towers, stealing the video game remote controllers and tackeling them on occasion as well.

Grace doesn't stop with making their lives more challenging... she also enjoys exploring our kitchen cabinets, pulling the toilet paper off the rolls, fishing in the dogs' water bowl, emptying the contents of her diaper bag... and those are just the average daily explorations.
Most days she finds something new to get into. Some days it's hard to remember the times when she was not mobile and into anything and everything. But even with the added challenges she is a joy and a blessing in our lives each and every day.

These photos were taken this past Sunday after church.


Unknown said...

Such a cutie...can't wait to see her this summer.....

Anonymous said...

she's so stinkin cute. so hard to believe it's been 10 months already.

Anonymous said...

Grace is so beautiful! Enjoyed all all the new pictures. Thanks for keeping us up dated.

love Aunt Nancy