Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

This was my first Mother's Day with a daughter! What a blessing all three of our children are and I feel so fortunate to share in each of their growing days.

We enjoyed a pretty low key Mother's Day but I was able to sleep in until shortly after 8 a.m. That itself is a rare and simple pleasure in our house!

After church we had lunch and I enjoyed a nap! Yes... more sleep! I think I needed it. This afternoon we cooked out and enjoyed some nice weather outside. We tried flying a kite but there just wasn't enough wind today. Samuel is really fascinated with kites right now so we are determined to get one flying soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sis, Happy belated mothers day to you! What a great pic of you and the kids! Sounds like you had a great day...