Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Holiday in Germany: Ascension Day

This past Thursday, Benjamin had a holiday from German kindergarten: Ascension Day. It is a public holiday in the area of Germany where we live (Baden-Württemberg). If you're not familiar with the meaning behind Ascension Day, it is the 40th day of Easter (or 39 day following Easter Sunday). It is the celebration of Jesus' ascension to heaven and is a holiday observed by many Catholics. Now that I'm reading more about it online, I found out that It has actually been a public holiday in much of Germany since 1936. As it is a national holiday, all businesses are closed (like every Sunday). This is also the time when German's observe Father's Day (however; Mother's Day is observed in Germany on the same day as the USA).

So, with Benjamin off of school for the day, he had been anticipating a trip to the PX (which my kids now associate as their local toy store!).
Apparently, he had his sights set on some Legos there and hadn't accompanied Don or I to the PX in awhile. Despite Grace getting a cold and having a bit of a rough night, we got moving early and made it to the PX. Both boys had a couple of gift cards for AFEES to spend. Benjamin picked out a couple of small Lego sets and Samuel found some Duplo (bigger Lego blocks) sets. They were thrilled and couldn't wait to get back home to enjoy their purchases. It was a rather cold and dreary day so playing inside wasn't a bad idea either.

Benjamin is getting really good at putting together Lego sets without any assistance and continues to amaze us how much he can entertain himself with all those small pieces of plastic! Much of his day off from school was spent either putting together the Lego cars or zooming them around the house. In his eyes, a perfect day off from school!

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