So, this is what our July looked like:
- We went to IL to visit family and friends for a week
- We brought our nephew Matthew back to Virginia with us for a week
- We went blueberry picking with Matthew at Great Country Farms
- Benjamin, Matthew and I went to see the Disney movie "Wall-E"
We had our good friends (and old neighbors) from the Philadelphia area visit
- My sister-in-law, Nancy Duda, and niece, Ellen flew out from Illinois
- My brother, Ron, and nephew, Christopher drove out from Illinois
- We went to the Sandy Point State Park, Annapolis, MD (the beach!)
- My digital camera went under water while I
scooped Samuel out of the water (Samuel came up smiling. The camera is no longer working).
- Benjamin went to the Dulles Air and Space Museum with Uncle Ron, Aunt Nancy, Christopher and Ellen
- We enjoyed dinner and entertainment at a Japanese Steakhouse (where Benjamin even caught a shrimp in his mouth that the chef threw at him!)
- Samuel had a whole bunch of teeth arrive!
- Benjamin transitioned out of his toddler bed and into a full size bed
- I was diagnosed with carpel tunnel in both my wrists
- Somewhere in there Don celebrated another birthday!
- And the most exciting thing that happened is that we're now down to 75 days until Daddy-O's return

I hope to be back blogging regularly soon!
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