Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Matthew's Visit

I actually wrote this post back in mid-July shortly after my nephew flew back to Chicago but I just finally finished up the montage of photos I was creating to go along with the post... so, I hope Matthew, as well as everyone else enjoys the pictures!

We brought my nephew Matthew back from Illinois with us and he spent a week with us before flying back to Chicago.

We had a great visit and he was a true pleasure to have in our home. He is a spunky high-spirited young man with a great sense of humor He loves to make the kids laugh as well (which is key at our home!).

The highlight of Matthew's visit was going blueberry picking at Great Country Farms in Bluemont, Virginia. It was a hot sunny Saturday morning and we got there shortly after the farm opened for the day. We hit the blueberry bushes right away and found enough blueberries to keep us busy for awhile. The boys enjoyed it and once Samuel caught on to the fact that we were plucking blueberries from bushes he was all over it. He kept trying to pull the berries off the bushes himself although he didn't care if they were still red. My pint container never filled up because he kept digging in it for more blueberries. Both my boys love blueberries (Benjamin, I truly believe, partly because they're blue!)

After the blueberry picking we headed out to see what else the farm had to offer. We have been to this farm before (in the fall during Pumpkin pickin' season) and so I knew a little bit of what to expect. The boys enjoyed a big pillow bounce, big tunnel slides, pedal cars, a corn pit (like a sand box only filled with corn), the cow barrel ride and checking out all the tractors.

We headed for home around 12:30 p.m. It was around 90 degrees and I think we were all ready for the air conditioned car ride home.

During Matthew's visit we also:

  • Took the dogs on long walks
  • Went to the Prime Outlets in Leesburg
  • Saw the movie Wall-E
  • Enjoyed our neighborhood pool
  • Went out to dinner at Fudrucker's (Benjamin's favorite place for dinner!)

Overall, we all had a fun-filled memorable time (as you can tell by the photos!) And I think Matthew left with all kinds of stories to tell everyone in Illinois about his entertaining and energetic cousins.

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