Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Update (Finally!)

Sometimes it's hard to believe that Samuel is 18 months old already. A year and a half. Can that be possible?

Well, we went for his 18 month check up last Friday and he is off the charts in both height and weight (as one might have guessed). He weighs 34 pounds and is 37 inches tall. He is energetic and pretty hilarious at times! He's also getting four new teeth. All at once. It always seems to be that way with him. All or nothin!

I think he heard the doctor and I talking about the fact that he doesn't actually have much of a vocabulary at this point. When we got home that afternoon he started saying "Hi!" And now he seems to be picking up lil words almost every day. Today he said "Daddy" very clearly. (Well, "Dada" very clearly). We've really been working on this one! He has about 50 days to master it before Daddy-O returns!

That's right. We're down to about 50 days. I can't really even say it without grinning. And I'm even more thrilled that the countdown will be in the 40s soon. The boys are still enjoying their nightly Hershey kisses and Samuel has now given in to the idea of only getting 1 Hershey kiss a night.

Don is traveling this week. So, please keep him and his traveling companions in your prayers for safe travels. This journey is coming to an end and soon his replacements will be arriving and he'll be taking strides to head this way. For now, he is wrapping up a project that he has put a lot of time and energy into. Way to go, Daddy-O!
We're so proud of you and look forward to you being here with us again!

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