Monday, July 21, 2008

What a time we had...

I just wanted to include some of my favorite photos from our trip to visit family and friends. As you can imagine, I took a ton of photos and have only shared a few up to this point.

Don's sister, our brother-in-law and two of their children drove up from central Illinois to spend a day with us while we were in Illinois too. I was so thankful they made the 3 hour trek. It was great visiting with them and the kids had a blast.

There are also some photos included of my dear friend, Michelle as well as a couple of her boys and a couple of photos of my other great friend, Jill's daughter, Julia too. We spent the morning of the 4th of July with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we got a group photo this time around.

We also had a nice cookout at my brother Tim's house on July 5th where I snapped a bunch of photos of everyone. And where our boys had smore's for the very first time. As you can imagine, they were a huge hit! Benjamin enjoyed roasting marshmallows as much as eating them and Samuel enjoyed sharing Grandma's smores!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe we didn't get a group shot of at least the kids or a picture in which I don't look completely ridiculus (sp?) . Thanks for including those!! We had fun with you guys!