Saturday, May 17, 2008

Zoo-perb Day

I figure I can either sit back and watch time pass or I can keep on moving and let time fly by...

So, today we were off to the National Zoo with Nelly and her kids. And after a cool and rainy day yesterday, today proved to be the perfect day for the zoo! When we left the house around 8:30 a.m. it was only 60 degrees but as we headed home around 1:30 p.m. it was 77 degrees.

Benjamin was thrilled to see the hippos because as he says he "LOVES hippos!" They are his "favorite animals." I was surprised to find out that hippos can hold their breath under water for up to 6 minutes at a time. So, we waited at an exhibit to see the hippos for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably more like 5 or 6. And finally this huge hippo submerged briefly. Benjamin was in awe so, of course, it was worth the wait.

We also timed it so we would see the orangutans on their open lines above the zoo. It is definitely something to see! We found a park bench right under the line and enjoyed lunch and the orangutan show (and a lil show by our own monkeys too but that's to be expected). First we did the ape house and as we came out of there a zoo volunteer had a model of an orangutan foot and told Benjamin and Brooke all about it.

As we were heading out of the zoo we noticed there were tunnels for kids by the Prairie Dogs exhibit. So the kids could pretend they were going through Prairie Dog tunnels. Samuel had been getting antsy in the stroller from time to time so this was the perfect opportunity to let the kids get out and exert some energy. The kids had a ball acting like Prairie Dogs and tunneling.

Overall it was a great time, great company, good kids, and a pretty good lunch. Probably the most challenging time was when Nelly and I navigated 2 double strollers into the women's restroom. 4 kids and 2 adults does not make for an easy pit stop. Luckily we opted to change the babies ahead of time on blankets so we were able to leave them in the strollers while we had the bigger kids use the potties.

I think, considering the fact that Nelly and I were outnumbered with kids we did great. We got there early enough around 9:30 a.m. and it was not crowded and parking was easy. But the park opens as early as 6 a.m. (with the actual buildings opening at 10 a.m.) So, we decided if we did it again that we would try to get there even earlier (if possible). Her kids are early birds as is Benjamin. The only hang up would be my sleepy head Samuel who is not the best napper but typically has no trouble sleeping until 8 a.m. (or close to it).

Samuel fell asleep as soon as he was in the car on the way home from the zoo. He was totally tuckered out. Benjamin on the other hand stayed awake. When we got home Benjamin went down for a nap and Samuel fought it. I tried to put him down twice this afternoon and he never ended up doing more than playing around in his crib. ugh. I think I managed to get a 10 minute nap in (because walking around that hilly zoo pushing 70+ pounds of kids in a stroller really wore me out!)

Eventually, Samuel got to go into Benjamin's room and wake him up. Samuel loves waking his brother up. He climbs right into his toddler bed with him and climbs on him. Benjamin doesn't seem to mind though. He generally wakes up in such good spirits and after a good long nap he was happy.

After dinner our super neighbor, Katie, called to see if we would like anything from Maggie Moos (ice cream). Of course! And she already knows "Blue for Benjamin, right?" So, when she returned she came over to join us. It was nice to visit with her because it seems like it'd been awhile since we really chatted.

Well, another highlight of my day was hearing from Don! He's been traveling this week so he has not had e-mail access. Which meant I hadn't heard from him since Mother's Day. When he travels I still try to e-mail him as if he was still there reading my e-mails and when he returns he catches up on my e-mails so this is what his e-mail today said:


I returned to Victory today and thoroughly enjoyed your emails. Now
after not sleeping last night and working most of today, it is time for
me to go home and crash.

I love you and miss you very much. I can't wait to hug both of our boys
and really get to know Samuel and spend lots of time hugging and playing
with him. There will be two little boys for me to wrestle day and
night. Rocket ships and even getting Samuel to like upside down flips.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The zoo trip looks like loads of fun. I actually like hippos myself. I think they are cute!

Miss you guys!
