After that Benjamin really wanted to make cupcakes so we did that together. He loves to bake and help in the kitchen. But mostly, he LOVES to lick the cake batter. In fact, I think he'd be happy just making the batter and wouldn't even miss the actual cupcakes.

Since Samuel took such a great morning nap I decided we would head out to Target and get a few things we needed. Of course it was nearing Benjamin's nap time by this point and he did carry on a great deal about wanting the "Blue" toilet paper and not the "Red" toilet paper. Because, as you know if you keep up with the blog, blue is Benjamin's favorite color and everything in his world needs to be blue. Who knew putting the package of Charmin with red lettering versus the blue would set him into an all out festival of tears and carrying on. Quite the drama in Target as he declared over and over... and over "I want blue toilet paper not red."
Eventually, we made our way away from the toilet paper and into the toys section and it seemed as though all was forgotten. But as we headed towards the checkout sometime later he muttered "I wanted blue toilet paper."
After that adventure we headed straight home for nap time! Both boys went to sleep right away. Sweet! I on the other hand got to work on the yard. I had a flat of marigolds that were going to become dilapidated if I didn't get them planted soon so I got them in the ground finally and did some other yard work, laundry, etc.

It is a little challenging going places where the boys want to go off to do things. So, I brought the double stroller in and it helped a bit but Benjamin still wanted to run off and try as many video games as he could (I think he gets that from Don). The boys both ate really good especially considering all the distractions. Overall, it went well. Benjamin and Samuel both had a great time and sometimes it's so worth it to put myself through a little extra just to see them light up. The bonus was that they both went to bed really well tonight (hopefully they'll both sleep til 7 a.m. too).
1 comment:
Hey Benjamin - both my boys like to eat the batter better too! I think it is a Duda thing!
Aunt Gloria
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