Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Daddy Is En Route

Well, Daddy-O should be en route to see us as I type this. He will have a few flights and stops in order to get here so I'm not sure exactly where he is right now or when we are exactly expecting him. Most likely sometime late tomorrow night. We shall see.

We have had some busy days recently and this week has just flown by so far.

Monday I took Samuel to see the Orthopedic doctor regarding his feet and he prescribed Reversed Last Shoes. So, I spent some time researching to figure out where I could actually purchase these shoes for him without driving to Maryland. After numerous phone calls and Internet searches I tracked a place down in Arlington, Virginia. Since Monday was Veterans Day, our neighbor Katie was off from work so she ventured with me up to the shoe store. It was great to have her with me. She was much more familiar with that area and she entertained Benjamin while I got Samuel's feet sized. Boy are these some expensive shoes! But a small price to pay if it will prevent him from needing casting. We will try these for 6 weeks and hope they help correct his feet from turning in. The shoes should be in within the next few days and we'll see how he does with them. (I will not complain about the cost of Benjamin's extra wide shoes any longer!)

Benjamin fell asleep on the way home from the shoe store Monday evening around 5:30 p.m. (after not napping that day). And he slept until almost 6 a.m. the following day. Phew! He must have been wore out. (Precisely why I truly believe he's not ready to give up those naps).

Today Benjamin did NOT have a good day at preschool. ugh. When I went in to pick him up I could tell something was wrong. First of all, the kids' artwork was all lined up outside the classroom minus Benjamin's turkey shape creation. hmm. Then Miss Jenny was letting all the kids go to the other parents. But not Benjamin. I was one of the first in line. hmm. Well, the other teacher, Miss Tracie asked if I had a minute she'd like to speak to me. uh oh. She said Benjamin had a "bad day". And for them to use those words it must have been bad because they really do a good job at remaining positive. Apparently, he was hitting all the kids in his class and he threw a fire truck which broke. ugh. He was pretty disappointed that he wasn't getting his sticker from his teacher (which he has never NOT gotten). And they had him sit out from doing the turkey art project. The teachers are great and super understanding but it's still awful to hear that our child was not treating other kids kindly. ugh. Most likely he was overtired. No excuse but he can definitely get unruly when he's tired. He was up around 5:30 a.m. today too. And after lunch he took a 3 hour nap.

The other art project he did do had a list of things he was thankful for which said "Benjamin is thankful for race cars, Pop Tarts and Halloween treats." That's our boy.

Well, I have about a gazillion things to do. The house is still a bit of a disaster even though I managed to get a few things done today there is still lots to do. So, I may not be posting frequently for a couple of weeks but I will try to post some picks from time to time.

(I'm adding a video clip I took tonight of the boys with the balloon we picked up for Daddy-O's homecoming. Samuel loves the balloon. The clip is a little dark but hopefully you can still make out their images.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear that Don is home! Have a great time while he is home. Enjoy every second.

Give him a big hug and kiss from us!

Tell Benjamin and Samuel we love them and miss them!


Gloria, Kenny and Keegan