Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Poopy Day

It's not even 8 p.m. (before the time change) and the kids are both asleep.

We all got up around 6:45 a.m. today and I dread the thought that with the time change that could mean getting up at about 5:45 a.m. tomorrow. ugh.

We spent the morning at the Leesburg Outlet mall. The boys were excellent and I managed to use a gift card I had received for my birthday from the Ford family and also get lots of Christmas gifts. woo hoo. Besides the Eddie Bauer Outlet store I didn't get much else done. But Benjamin had a good time at the outdoor play area and Samuel took a good nap.

One of the funniest things that happened was when I was trying on a pair of pants with the boys in the fitting room and Benjamin said to me "I like those underwear, Mommy." I can only imagine what people might have thought if they overheard him. But underwear are a highlight in his life. He loves underwear and pajamas and is very opinionated about both (mine and his). He often requests that I wear certain pajamas at night when I'm tucking him in. He'll say "Mommy, will you wear your red snowflake pajamies tonight?" He also loves my monkey pjs and some with bears sledding that Don gave me. He's really into my flannel ones since I have just switched over to them for the colder weather. He would live in pajamas if I let him.

Anyways, we managed to lose Samuel's hat while we were shopping. I was bummed because I was pretty proud of myself for picking it up before the cold weather even arrived. I was totally prepared. And it was pretty stinkin cute on him too. We backtracked a bit in hopes of finding it but didn't. Benjamin was a lil distraught over leaving the mall without finding it. He kept saying "We lost Samuel's hat." and "We have to find Samuel's hat." But I reassured him that it was okay and that sometimes Mommy's lose things too. Oh well.

When we came home from the mall it was lunchtime so after lunch Benjamin played with play dough for awhile. He hadn't done that at home in some time but plays with it at school quite a bit. So, he had a great time and stayed entertained with that for about an hour. Then I put Samuel down for a nap and decided to approach Benjamin's nap time differently today.

We headed up to our room and I laid down with Benjamin. I put in a Thomas the Train video and he actually sat quietly for a good hour. I fell asleep. I figured he would too. He did NOT. ugh! And when it was over he was in high gear. Well, at least we had one hour of quiet time.

(When I took this photo of Benjamin I asked him to give me the biggest smile ever. Nice. And I think the photo below of Samuel looks like he's trying to talk on the phone. He really does hold the telephone like that when Daddy-O talks to him. It's too cute.)

My patience ran thin at one point after Benjamin was up for a little while and I sent him up to his room while Samuel and I played downstairs. Then I heard Benjamin say something about poop. So, we headed upstairs and if the poop would have been blood it would have looked like a murder scene. It was brutal. Poop just about everywhere. And Benjamin was sitting with his poopy butt proudly propped up on the counter with his feet in the sink rinsing some poop off his feet. ugh. I immediately put Samuel in his crib and started the bathtub for Benjamin. So much for the bathroom that was just cleaned yesterday. I got that all cleaned up then by the time I got Samuel back out of the crib he too dropped a bomb. Bonus. Lucky me.

Can I just say that Don's deployment has really lucky timing on getting him out of a ton of diaper changing (and poopy disasters). If we have more children in our future, he will definitely have some serious diaper and potty training responsibilities to make up for this time.

Speaking of Don...he has been traveling this week and e-mailed today that he will not be back at his normal base for a couple of more days. Please keep him in your prayers as he travels back this week.

It is November and he will be home around the 15th! I'm so stinkin excited about it I just can't stand it. I just want time to stand still for awhile while he is here. We will celebrate our 8 year anniversary on November 20 and I am so glad we'll be able to share that day together.

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