Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fall for All

We enjoyed our not so exciting weekend. Caught up on some laundry and a few chores around the house that I'd been avoiding. (Still have a ton to do!)

We set up a lil tent in our bedroom first thing Saturday morning and all pilled in (Campbell dog included). We enjoyed a few stories and giggles in there before heading out to the grocery store. Benjamin loves to go and as long as I keep my list rather short, both boys do well. Benjamin pushes his own mini shopping cart, gets a free balloon and sugar cookie, and, if he behaves he gets to ride Harry the Dragon on the way out of the store. So, of course he loves to go grocery shopping! He's a good helper too. When we arrived home Samuel was sound asleep. So, I brought the groceries into the house then carried Samuel up to his bed. As I came downstairs I could hear Benjamin saying something like "It's not too heavy." And as I made my way all the way to the ground level (where I had dropped all the grocery bags) Benjamin was heading up the stairs with a bag full of groceries and declaring that he was helping. He was so proud of himself and I was surprise to find that this was already his second trip up (with evidence of another full bag of groceries already placed on the kitchen table). Of course, he got a special treat for helping Mommy with all the groceries plus the very distinguished title of being "Mommy's Great Helper" which he was pretty proud of.

Benjamin played in his room for close to two hours but never napped Saturday. ugh. When Samuel woke up we headed out to Target and our neighbor Katie joined us. She was pretty entertained by Benjamin belting out the tunes to the "Cars" Soundtrack that we play in the car (constantly). But as we arrived at Target (15 minutes from home) we were somewhat surprised to find Benjamin sound asleep. So, I pushed the double stroller so he could get a lil bit more of a nap. I had a list and managed to get everything I went for (plus a few things, of course). One of the main attractions to going to Target for Benjamin was the fact that the long anticipated Christmas trees are up again. So, once we got to that area I woke him and he was thrilled. On the way home we stopped at Moe's for dinner. It was nice to have Katie's company and help.

This morning we went to church and when we got home it was pretty nice out so Benjamin and I worked on corralling some of the leaves that collect in our yard. He was thrilled. We have been reading a book about the leaves falling and talking about jumping in them. He had a ball. I practically had to drag him in the door after that. Samuel stayed pretty entertained just watching his big brother.

Don had called and left a message before we got in from church. He called back though and we were able to talk to him for awhile. I let Benjamin answer the phone and he was so excited to talk to Daddy-O and discuss all their upcoming plans (doing what they call "rocketships" -- which means Daddy-O tossing Benjamin high in the air and catching him, going to Chucky Cheeses, Great Wolf Lodge, etc.) And Benjamin proudly recited the Pledge of Allegiance for Daddy too.

Of course we are all anxious and excited about Don's upcoming visit. I feel like Christmas is coming! Well, I know it is right around the corner. But I feel like the excitement and anticipation for that day is happening this week. His visit will be the best gift of the season for us all.

Please pray for his safety as he travels home this week.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Those pictures of your boys in the leaves are priceless!!!

i will absolutely be praying for Don's safety as he travels home.

I am wishing you all a wonderful visit together.....I can't imagine all the emotions you must have waiting for him to come home.

Take care, and big hugs to you and your boys,