Friday, September 17, 2010

Samuel's First Day of German Kindergarten

I am soooo backlogged on photos that I had hoped to post... but in effort to catch up with some of life's recent happenings in our world I will try to make some more posts...

On September 1, Samuel started German
Kindergarten at Markushaus, the nearby kindergarten that Benjamin attended last year. His best buddy in the neighborhood, Eli, also started there this year. The two of them are very eager and excited to be following in their big brothers footsteps.

We were actually just returning from our week in Spain when I realized the following day was September first and the beginning of the school year for our little man. I hadn't been mentally prepared for this big step or been preparing Samuel for this event either.
So, I was a little nervous to spring this on him. But he was excited and ready to go on his big day. He couldn't wait to take his backpack and lunch box (for morning snack), find his cubbie, wear his house shoes at school and play with the marble run he had longed to stay and play with last year daily as we dropped his brother off.

So, off we went on September 1 and he was grinning from ear to ear. He was happy to find that he has the same cubbie that his brother had last year and he seemed to know exactly what to do when we arrived. He took off his backpack, hung up his jacket and lunch box, then sat down to change into his house shoes.
Then he and his buddy were off to explore the marble run.

Overall, these first couple of weeks for him have gone great! He generally reports that his school days are "Super Awesome!" and he has been learning a "Guten Morgen" (Good Morning) song and "Elefant" game. The teacher reports that he doesn't say too much but participates... claps, sings, dances, colors, etc. His favorite part of the day is going outside on the playground (which, with the amount of rainy days here isn't always a daily happening). He was so excited the first time he colored a picture and couldn't wait to bring it home; however, they don't generally bring their pictures home right away.
They hang them and put them on display. So, we took a picture of it with my iPhone so he could show Daddy and Benjamin his big accomplishment. He was good with that.

Most days he comes home hungry and tired. There have been quite a few days that he has fallen asleep on the couch shortly after lunch. It's a lot for a lil guy but he seems to be loving it and is constantly asking "How do you say [something] in German?"

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