Friday, September 17, 2010

Benjamin's First Day of American Kindergarten

Benjamin started school right after Labor Day. He was excited about starting American Kindergarten but a little reluctant to riding the bus. Unfortunately, it was a dreary rainy and windy morning on September 7 here and we were running a little late. I seriously didn't think he was going to catch his 7:38 a.m. bus but somehow we made it out the door and he made it and I even managed to get in a few pictures.
So, here's our big kindergartener, Benjamin on his first day at Patrick Henry Village Elementary School.
The first couple of pics are from the lobby of our building before he geared up with his rain jacket and umbrella.
He looked so big and so ready for his big adventure but shortly before the bus came so did the realization that he was getting on a big bus... WITHOUT Mommy!

He teared up and fought back the tears as I explained to him that someone would be on the bus to help him know what to do, where to sit and what to do when he arrived at school. And his buddy, Edward, would be with him.... they could sit together and all would be good.

So, off he went onto the bus and out of the wind and rain. He came home tired and VERY hungry (apparently their lunch is at 10:40 a.m.)
He said the kid from his class that sat next to him on the bus ride home actually fell asleep. But overall his day was "SUPER AWESOME!" and the bus ride was "Awesome!" as well.

They learned about raccoons the first week of school and he shared interesting facts about the nocturnal creatures with us nightly at the dinner table. He is such a sponge and just soaks up everything they're learning about. I love hearing about every little thing he learns. It's all so new and such an adventure.

However, he is not so fond of rest time at school and doesn't particularly like getting up before the sun to get ready for school.

Week two of school they learned about coconuts and he is now a wealth of information about coconuts as well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Benj, I love coconut!