Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Saturday in Nearby Leimen

Ever since I took Samuel and Grace to the park in Leimen with the zipline, Benjamin has been wanting to go. So, Saturday morning Don was helping someone move so I took the kids to the park. They were so excited and it was a cool but beautiful morning so the park was NOT super busy.
Benjamin figured out the zipline right away and screamed like a girl just about every time he went on it! He LOVED it to say the least. And when we first arrived, he and Samuel were the only kids going on it so they got their fill going on it over, and over, and over...

After awhile we took a good long walk around the entire park on some trails that encircled a fenced in area with some animals (lots of goats and deer and a pig). The kids enjoyed exploring some new territory and it gave me plenty of photo opportunities of my favorite photo subject: my kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures of the kids. Benjamin looked like he loved the zip line too.
