Friday, June 4, 2010

Corpus Christi - Another German Holiday

This past Thursday was another German holiday, Corpus Christi. For those not familiar with this occasion, it is generally celebrated by Catholics and honors the Eucharist and does not actually commemorate a particular even in Jesus' life. It is held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. It's celebration on this Thursday is meant to associate it with institution by Jesus of the Eucharist during the Last Supper.

Okay, enough of the biblical history lesson... I just enjoy doing a little research on what constitute a holiday in Germany! So, there you have it.
And of course, with all public holidays, Benjamin's German kindergarten is closed! His school actually got three days off this week so we have been enjoying a little break from our normal daily routine.
We haven't done anything too exciting this week but the kids have had a ball just hanging around our neighborhood and playing a little more Wii than usual. We went to a nearby German playground that the kids love.

And this time I actually remembered to bring the sand toys! Most German playgrounds seem to have sand around the play equipment.
It makes for a great extra attraction for the kids to play in (especially, when there are sand toys!)

Today it seemed like summer finally arrived! Don picked up a kiddy pool the other day and it was time to put it to good use... and I think most of the neighborhood kids seemed to agree as it was a big attraction throughout the day.
We had 80 degree sunny weather all day! It has been awhile since we've had a great day like this and we enjoyed every minute.

Next week, back to school for Benjamin! But we're hoping for more good weather to keep us out and about.

1 comment:

Ron Duda said...

And all along I thought Corpus Christi was in Texas.