Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Winter Wonderland

We have been getting pretty good snow falls here in Heidelberg this month. The kids have been loving it!

We have a nice big grassy field in front of our building where the kids all play. These photos of our kids along with a few of the neighbor kids were taken a couple of Saturdays ago. Since then most of that snow melted but over this past weekend we received several waves of fresh snow!

Temps have been holding steady in the upper 20s and low 30s. Anytime we head outside, it is a challenge keeping the boys out of the wet white stuff (especially Samuel who seems to be a
magnet to it). Today we walked to pick up Benjamin from school prepared for playing in the snow. So, the boys enjoyed romping in the snow with a couple of friends before we headed back in for Samuel's nap time.


Unknown said...

Looks like fun!

Gloria said...

Nice snowman! Gotta love it!