Monday, January 25, 2010

Our Misty LOUD Night

Last night proved to be quite an adventure and NOT due to the little bit of snow accumulation we got... reminding us that winter is still here.

Last night I didn't get to bed until around midnight. At that time I looked out the window and noticed that after the snow fell all day yesterday and didn't accumulate (due to the 35ish degree weather) it had finally started to stick to the ground. I also noticed a small headlight passing by on the sidewalk outside near a rather busy street. Yes, a bicyclist. I don't think I've mentioned it yet on this blog but Germans bicycle everywhere... in every weather... at any time of day or night... at any age. And NOT for exercise but for transportation. It's crazy to see them out in the snow and even riding with their umbrellas open during the steady rains.

Anyway, that was a tangent... not the crazy part of our night which I will get to now. At 3 a.m. our fire alarm started going off LOUD and CLEAR! No lil beeping warning it was FULL BLAST! And to think it would wake up the neighbors would be an understatement. It DID in fact wake up the neighbors... at least the ones directly below us.

So, Don and I jumped out of bed and scurried around to figure out what was the cause of such a racket. And as we swung open the door to Grace's room we found ourselves amidst a cool steamy mist... Grace's cool mist humidifier was cranked up and pouring out high volumes of moisture turned into steam. Don went for the plug and I tried fanning the air to clear the air but it didn't seem to work. The smoke detector kept ON and ON at FULL BLAST. erg. Then he checked the cord again and realized in his weary state he had unplugged the wipes warmer that was in the same extension cord. At last, when he did unplug the correct cord and open Grace's window the alarm stopped. PHEW!

Amazing enough the boys slept through the entire incident. And Grace woke up like her normal smiley self... even amid all the chaos of what was going on in her room. So, she had a bottle at 3 a.m. and went right back to sleep. As did Don and I... with the humidifier unplugged... for now.

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