Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Schnee!

"Schnee" is the German word for snow.

And we have had our fair share of schnee this year here in Heidelberg. From what we understand, the amount of snow we have gotten this year is not typical of this area. After moving from northern Virginia, where snowy winters are not the norm either, this has been an exciting winter with lots of snowfalls for us!

The boys love to play in the snow, especially Samuel! He is our nature lover and seems to love anything and everything outside, including the snow. Some days it makes just getting Benjamin to and from school a challenge because Samuel often feels the need to run out into our snowy quad to romp in the snow. They both enjoy a good snowball fight or any snowball fight that involves attacking Mommy with snowballs. Lucky for them, this recent snowfall is perfect for snowball making... nice and wet. Just picking up the snow seems to create an instant snowball in their hands...hmmm.

Anyway, this particular photo I'm posting of Benjamin is in front of his kindergarten. The kids all created ornaments out of the snow. Benjamin's is directly behind him and is a blue circle. He was quite proud of his ornament. And as it started to warm up that day the snow ornaments left lovely colorful drippings in the snow below the tree.

We have some nearby mountains that have been doused in
the snow and they look incredible with the snow just clinging to their branches. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a photo that pays that beauty justice but I'll post a few photos of our area anyway.
One is a picture taken from the front door of our building. These snowy pics were taken several days ago... since then we have been delighted to receive several more inches of snow. In fact, there was so much snow predicted for this weekend that Benjamin's basketball league's games were all cancelled...
however, it didn't end up snowing until later in the day (reminded me of the premature cancellations they would often make with the prediction of inclement weather in both areas of northern virginia and tennessee where we have lived).

Today, after the decent amount of snowfall that occurred over night, we were notified that the church services were all cancelled. So, we were rather homebound this weekend with the exception of a few quick outings and trips to the PX and commissary. Now off to start another week... and the possibility of welcoming more "schnee".

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